Undoing Distraction Meditation

Amy Barth-Morales
3 min readMay 1, 2024

I’d like to offer a meditation that might help ease the spinning thoughts that serve as a distraction, that keep our focus wandering, and that prevent us from being grounded in our true vocations. The reality of the humdrum survivorship life is constantly pulling us away from being centered in soul. It can be very difficult to stay centered all the time with all of the demands we may face, but we can try — even if for a few minutes — to take a break to find our bearings again.

This particular meditation suggests going outside to look at the night sky. If you don’t really have a way to do that today, please use your imagination. Envision the perfect spot to watch the sky and go there in your mind. This meditation also suggests speaking with an ancestor or loved one who has crossed over to the spirit realm. Please take care if that is not something you wish to do. You may also speak to your deity or yourself.

When night falls, go outside to look at the sky. Find a place to sit or lay down and just let the stars or the moon become your focus. If there are clouds, watch how they move, sliding across the sky.

Breathe deeply, inhaling to fill your lungs fully, hold for a count of four, and exhale fully. Repeat at least four times.

As you watch the sky, feel free to have a conversation with an ancestor or a loved one who



Amy Barth-Morales

Observationist. Conservationist. History fan. Mindfulness student. Striving toward wisdom. Hopeful.