5 ways to make your T-shirt designs more appealing

8 min readJun 28, 2024


T-shirts are a ubiquitous part of our wardrobes, serving as both a practical garment and a canvas for self-expression. Whether you’re designing for personal use, a brand, or to sell online, creating appealing T-shirt designs is crucial. In this article, we’ll explore five key ways to elevate your T-shirt designs and make them stand out from the crowd.

1. Focus on Typography and Font Selection

Typography plays a pivotal role in T-shirt design, often serving as the primary visual element. Choosing the right fonts and arranging text effectively can make or break your design. Here’s how to make the most of typography in your T-shirt designs:

Choose fonts that convey the right message and emotion

The fonts you select should align with the purpose of the shirt and the message you’re trying to convey. For example, a family reunion shirt might use a friendly, casual font, while a corporate event shirt might opt for something more sleek and professional.

When selecting fonts, consider these factors:

  • The purpose of the shirt (e.g., family reunion, corporate event, etc.)
  • The target audience and their preferences
  • The overall tone and style of the design

It’s also important to avoid overused fonts like Comic Sans, which can make your design look amateurish. Instead, explore unique and eye-catching fonts that fit your design’s theme.

Follow basic typography rules

To create a visually appealing design, adhere to these fundamental typography rules:

  1. Make important words bold and place them towards the top of the design for emphasis.
  2. Avoid using gigantic block lettering, which can overwhelm the design and make it hard to read.
  3. Use no more than three different fonts in a single design to maintain cohesiveness.
  4. Create contrast between different text elements by varying font sizes, weights, and styles.

Consider line breaks and layout

The way you arrange text can significantly impact how your message is read and understood. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Thoughtfully place line breaks to guide how the message reads
  • Carefully arrange how type interacts with imagery
  • Avoid putting text directly on busy images, as it can make the text difficult to read

By paying attention to these typography details, you’ll create T-shirt designs that are not only visually appealing but also effectively communicate your message.

2. Optimize Design Size and Placement

The size and placement of your design on the T-shirt are crucial factors in creating an appealing and wearable product. Here’s how to get it right:

Choose an appropriate print size

When determining the size of your design, consider the following:

  • The purpose of the shirt and garment properties
  • The shape of your design (e.g., smaller sizes often work better for circles and squares)
  • The range of shirt sizes in your order (adjust print size for different shirt sizes)
  • Comfort and breathability (large prints can affect the shirt’s wearability)

As a general rule, it’s better to err on the side of caution and choose a slightly smaller print size. This ensures that your design looks good on a variety of body types and doesn’t overwhelm the shirt.

Get the placement right

Proper placement is key to creating a professional-looking T-shirt design. Keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Standard full front placement is about 4" from the collar, not centered vertically on the shirt
  • Center non-symmetrical designs visually, not based on the mathematical midpoint
  • Consider unique placements if there’s a good reason, but avoid common mistakes like belly prints

Remember that different garment styles may have different print area limitations. For example, hoodies with front pockets have a smaller printable area than standard T-shirts.

3. Use Color and Contrast Effectively

Color choice and contrast are powerful tools in T-shirt design. They can make your design pop or fade into the background. Here’s how to use color and contrast to your advantage:

Choose colors thoughtfully

When selecting colors for your T-shirt design, consider:

  • Color psychology and how colors affect people’s emotions
  • Color theory to select complementary secondary and tertiary colors
  • Limiting your color palette (more isn’t always better)

For example, warm colors like red and orange can evoke energy and excitement, while cool colors like blue and green can create a sense of calm and tranquility.

Create appropriate contrast

Contrast is essential for readability and visual impact. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • High contrast designs are easier to read and more eye-catching
  • Low contrast can create a subtle, sophisticated look
  • Avoid extremely low contrast combinations like navy on black

Consider the shirt color when choosing your design colors. A light design on a dark shirt will naturally create more contrast than a dark design on a light shirt.

Consider how colors interact

Understanding how colors interact can help you create more visually appealing designs:

  • On dark backgrounds, light colors come forward visually
  • On light backgrounds, dark colors come forward
  • Use this effect intentionally in your designs to create depth and hierarchy

By mastering color and contrast, you’ll create T-shirt designs that are not only visually striking but also effectively communicate your message.

4. Simplify and Refine Your Design

In T-shirt design, less is often more. A simple, refined design can be more impactful and memorable than a complex one. Here’s how to simplify and refine your T-shirt designs:

Follow the K.I.S.S. principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

While this acronym might sound a bit harsh, it’s a valuable principle in design. Here’s how to apply it to your T-shirt designs:

  • Choose one main image or idea as the focal point of your design
  • Remove unnecessary elements that compete with the main focus
  • Avoid over-complexity that makes designs hard to understand quickly

Remember, people often view T-shirt designs from a distance or while the wearer is in motion. A simple, clear design will be more effective in these situations.

Refine your composition

Once you’ve simplified your design, focus on refining the composition:

  • Ensure elements aren’t too spaced apart or bunched together
  • Create visual balance to draw the eye appropriately
  • Make sure text reads in the correct order

A well-composed design will guide the viewer’s eye through the important elements in the intended order.

Test your design

Before finalizing your design, it’s crucial to test it:

  • Step back or zoom out to view the design from a distance
  • Simplify until it reads clearly and quickly from afar
  • Ask for feedback from others to get different perspectives

Remember, what looks good on your computer screen might not translate well to a T-shirt. Testing and refining your design will help ensure it looks great in the real world.

5. Enhance Images and Add Professional Touches

The final step in creating appealing T-shirt designs is to enhance your images and add professional touches. These details can elevate your design from good to great:

Ensure high image quality

High-quality images are essential for professional-looking T-shirt designs:

  • Use images that are 200–300 dpi at full print size
  • Avoid low-resolution web images (typically 72 dpi)
  • Consider using vector graphics for crisp, scalable designs

High-resolution images will ensure your design looks sharp and clear when printed on a T-shirt.

Add borders, masks, or edges

These elements can add visual interest and polish to your design:

  • Use simple borders to improve the appearance of photos
  • Try different shaped masks for visual interest
  • Choose edge styles that fit the design theme (e.g., distressed for tough events, clean for corporate)

These additions can help frame your design and make it stand out on the shirt.

Consider special effects

Special effects can add an extra layer of visual appeal to your design:

  • Use inversion techniques appropriately, especially for light ink on dark garments
  • Add white outlines when needed to make designs pop
  • Experiment with subjects breaking through borders for a 3D effect

These effects can add depth and dimension to your design, making it more engaging and memorable.

Additional Tips for Creating Appealing T-Shirt Designs

While the five main points above cover the essentials, here are some additional tips to help you create even more appealing T-shirt designs:

Get feedback

Don’t design in a vacuum. Ask friends, potential customers, or fellow designers for input. Their fresh perspective can help you identify issues and improve your designs.

Use mockups

Preview your designs on virtual shirt templates to see how they’ll look in real life. This can help you catch issues with size, placement, or color before printing.

Consider print method

Understand the differences between screen printing and direct-to-garment (DTG) printing. Each method has its strengths and limitations, which can affect your design choices.

Stay current

Research current T-shirt design trends for inspiration. While you don’t want to copy trends exactly, staying aware of what’s popular can inform your design choices.

Utilize design resources

If you’re new to T-shirt design, explore online design tools and templates. Websites like Canva or Printful offer user-friendly interfaces and pre-made templates to help you get started.

Consider your target audience

Always keep your target audience in mind when designing. What appeals to teenagers might not work for a corporate audience, and vice versa.

Tell a story

The best T-shirt designs often tell a story or evoke an emotion. Think about what story your design is telling and how it connects with your audience.

Use negative space

Don’t be afraid of empty space in your design. Clever use of negative space can make your design more impactful and memorable.

Create a series

Consider creating a series of related designs rather than just one. This can help build brand recognition and encourage multiple purchases.

Test print your designs

Before finalizing your design, print a sample on a T-shirt. This will give you a true sense of how your design looks in the real world and allow you to make any necessary adjustments.


Creating appealing T-shirt designs is a blend of art and science. By focusing on typography, optimizing size and placement, using color and contrast effectively, simplifying and refining your design, and adding professional touches, you can create T-shirt designs that stand out and resonate with your target audience.

Remember that great T-shirt design is a balance of creativity, technical knowledge, and understanding your market. Don’t be afraid to experiment and refine your designs based on feedback and results. With practice and attention to these principles, you’ll be creating eye-catching, appealing T-shirt designs in no time.

Whether you’re designing for your own brand, for clients, or to sell on platforms like Teehub, these principles will help you create T-shirt designs that people will love to wear. So go ahead, let your creativity flow, and start designing your next great T-shirt!

