Get Over Yourself! Gratitude Journal Prompts to Help You Get Started.

Amy Esplin White
5 min readDec 11, 2019
Photo Credit — Deposit Photos

Attitude of Gratitude Journal Prompts

I’ve always felt like I was a thankful person, but noticed recently that I was really getting caught up in my first world problems. I just wasn’t as thankful for all of my blessings and felt like a lot of my tendency were becoming more selfish.

The anecdote to selfishness is gratitude. So what is gratitude?

Gratitude is the simple ability to appreciate what you have right now. It is the ability to be grateful in the moment even when life is weighing you down and the last thing you want to do is be thankful.

If you are feeling tired, stressed out, overwhelmed, overworked, underappreciated and done with everything, then you need more gratitude in your life. I personally believe that learning to appreciate the blessings we have in our lives and finding the good in everything is the anecdote for all of the overwhelm we experience as wives, mothers and employees.

Shortly after having my daughter I struggled with postpartum depression and was miserable. I wasn’t getting enough sleep and felt like the world was closing in on me. I knew that something needed to change, but wasn’t really sure what I needed to do.

