Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) Review: Arriving at the Intended Destination

Amy Carter
3 min readDec 1, 2018


OK, I think it’s important, when deciding if you “like” a movie, to consider lots of variables. Sure, the usuals: writing, acting, directing, story etc. All the ones the critics and the Academy like to talk about (and I like to talk about). And some of those variables were really lacking in this movie for me. But what else can we talk about?:

  • How did you feel watching the movie?
  • Do you ever want to see this movie again?
  • Would you recommend the movie to the average moviegoer?
  • Did the movie accomplish what it set out to accomplish?

These questions all matter (to me) when considering this Freddie Mercury biopic, so let’s briefly look at them one at a time.

How did you feel watching the movie?

I felt happy, nostalgic, devastated.

Happy because I was watching Rami Malek. The first time I ever saw him on screen (and knew it was him, so, Twilight excepted) was watching the first 10 minutes of the Mr. Robot pilot. While I didn’t end up sticking with the show past the first season, it had nothing to do with Malek’s performance. He was so gravitational on screen. He brings that same force (in a totally different role) to Bohemian Rhapsody. Mercury’s presence (I imagine) was so uninhibited and we get that same sense from Malek in his representation of him.

And it was fun. My theater was packed and super amped up during this. Plus we were basically at a rock concert for a favorite band. And again, Rami Malek.

Nostalgic because did we not all grow up listening to at least some of the Queen canon?

Devastated because we lost a life and a talent like his so soon, because he was born at the wrong time; before the knowledge of and treatment for HIV that we have today. He could still be writing, recording, performing.

Do you ever want to see this movie again?

This matters to me. There are so so many Oscar-ish movies that I loved, was changed by, would recommend, and never want to see ever again. Which is fine, but is a thing to talk about. Bohemian Rhapsody has a huge rewatchability factor (see above: fun and rock concert).

Would you recommend the movie to the average moviegoer?

Yes and would do so perhaps the most unapologetically of any movie on my 2018 Awards Season Watchlist. Which leads me to our fourth and final question…

Did the movie accomplish what it set out to accomplish?

Yes, it did. It’s no secret that the studio and, more importantly, the surviving band members, made a conscious choice to make this movie as accessible as possible, for the widest possible audience. While some might argue that you can’t make a fair biopic on Mercury that is PG-13 (eh hem, Sacha Baron Cohen), I think it’s important to remember that a person’s private life does not define them and is not the only story worth telling when you have 120 minutes of screen time.This movie wanted to appeal to the masses and, according to the box office, the masses came.

So answering this last question really affects my experience of a movie. There is nothing worse than watching a movie that takes itself too seriously, tries to be funny and is not, or tries to say something profound but is really just trite and kind of lame.

OK, so after all that, this is only a 6/10 for me. Some of the dialogue and plotting was pretty rough. I am totally fine with a biopic taking artistic liberties, but I want the result to be…artistic (See: Steve Jobs)? Some felt pretty forced. And the actors playing the band members were just OK. Malek’s performance will draw me into any rewatches, along with the really fun concert scenes. So when you see this, I guess just set your expectations accordingly. They tried to make a movie that the highest number of people will enjoy, and I mean, it’s enjoyable.

Check out what else is on my 2018 Awards Season Watchlist.

