Exploring Neurotech: Network Map II

Amy Robinson Sterling
2 min readAug 30, 2014


Continued from yesterday.

This post is a public GDoc. It holds notes/documentation of how I explore a complicated network so that in the future I will learn from this process and do it better. Also it’s beautiful and there are cool discoveries worth sharing.

I’ve added tags and separated out 798 articles out of the 4,000.

Notable Discoveries

A new protein has been found that regulates circadian rhythm; another enhances the survival of new brain cells and helps regulate development. Other researchers are finding protein-related causes of Parkinson’s. These developments are all found in the “cell engineering” category. In a related cluster, applications of such technology can be found. For example, BBC reports how brain stimulation can help victims of stroke regain control of movement.

Newborn babies recognize songs played to them in the womb.

Google glass explorers can now take photos with brain waves.

The MRI Community

The largest conversation centers around brain damage for retired NFL players.

Closely related to brain function, we see a cluster of news about a study published showing that green tea benefits working memory.

Other MRI community nodes range from the cognitive impact of red wine to reading minds by brain scan to the brain-boosting impact of sleep (enhances production of neuron support cells), this cluster warrants closer inspection. But it’s already 2:45 am and I have to wake up early to shoot timelapses in a salt marsh. Time to go to sleep.

Read on.




Amy Robinson Sterling

Idea machine. Catalyst. Crowdsourcing neuroscience. Founder, TEDx Music Project.