How to Lose a Friend in Seconds

You’ll never be too much for the right people.

1 min readAug 16, 2024

My friend threw me away.

Nobody tells you when you first meet them that they might decide to discard you one day. As if people are discardable.

Somewhere along the way, our wires got crossed. You said something half-jokingly and meant it. Rescheduled plans were interpreted as not caring anymore.

Words get twisted, ugly and snarled, until we no longer speak the same language. The chasm between us grows with every breach of trust, regardless of how small.

I am disappointed in the version of you that I believed to have existed. I grieve the future we will never have, and the past we will always remember.

The magic of belly laughter has disappeared; I cannot bring myself to relish in your quirks. In fact, I think I hate them.

Our spirits have expanded to hold more than what we can give each other.

Nobody tells you that in the process of growing up, we may grow apart.

