The Valentine’s Day Writing Challenge

Amy Potter
8 min readFeb 5, 2023

Do you believe in love?

Lori Dooner tagged some of her favorite writers to write the Valentine’s Day Writing Challenge. Thanks, Lori, for tagging me. Now I will tag some of my favorite writers to do the same. Let’s have some fun!!

1. Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

First, let us define our terminology because I am a stickler for defining the words we are using.

What is love? The dictionary definition of love used as a noun is 1. An intense feeling of deep affection, and 2. A great interest and pleasure in something.

When used as a verb, love means 1. Feel deep affection for someone, or 2. Like or enjoy very much.

Personally, I do not believe in love at first sight. I used to when I was younger, but then I came to realize that the feeling was not best described by the word love. I do believe in lust at first sight. You can be attracted to a certain person (of any sexual orientation or gender identity) because of their looks, their personality, or your own previous experiences. The attraction may even be biological (read hormones) in nature.

Psychology also reveals that being in close proximity to another can sometimes evoke feelings of attraction. That’s why movie stars “fall in love” after working together on a movie…



Amy Potter

I write short stories, historical romance, medieval and American western, science fiction, and true stories of my life experiences.