Unveiling the Storyteller: An Insightful Interview with Amy Potter

Amy Potter
12 min readJul 3, 2024
Amy Potter (selfie)
Amy Potter (selfie)

The first thing that comes to my mind is, “Why would anyone want to interview me?” That is my impostor’s syndrome talking, the part of me that cannot believe I am a published author. These interview questions are from Samar.writes, a fiction/non-fiction Medium.com author. I want to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to him and to invite you to visit his page, read some of his stories, and follow him.

1. What inspired you to become a writer, and how did you get started?

I was inspired to become a writer when I was in my early teens. I would watch a show on television, and I would want it to continue; so I began writing little scenes to continue on with the characters. I guess you could say I began with fan fiction.

2. Can you share a bit about your writing process and any unique rituals or habits you have while writing?

Right now, I try to fit in a little bit of daily writing between the hours of 3 pm and 5 pm. Real life gets in my way most days. I have many WIPs (works in progress), but I have recently been adamant to finally complete them. I use outlines and usually follow a three-act process. I habitually snack while writing. My favorites are a Hershey’s bar and then something salty to get the sweet taste out of my mouth. I wash it down with a…



Amy Potter

I write short stories, historical romance, medieval and American western, science fiction, and true stories of my life experiences.