11 Simple Meditations To Relieve Stress

Amy Mann
1 min readJul 20, 2017


Meditations have tremendous benefits for stress management and overall health. While there are many different meditations that are effective, each brings something unique, and some meditations may feel more comfortable for you than others. The meditations that feel right are the ones to try, as those are the ones you will continue to practice. The following are some of the most popular, effective, and enjoyable meditations for stress relief; try several, and see what type of meditation works best for you. Then practice regularly and let your chosen meditations transform your life.

1. Basic Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation involves increased awareness of the present moment. With practice, it can be utilized anywhere, and can bring lasting stress relief benefits. This simple meditation technique can be learned quickly, and is considered by many to be one of the easiest meditations for stress relief.

2. Chocolate Meditation

The chocolate meditation is one of the most delicious meditations, and can be completed in a few minutes. This concentrative meditation allows you to engage many of your senses at once and lose yourself in all of them. Learn more about the goal and practice of chocolate meditation, and how to practice this savory meditation style.

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