30x30 — Day 15

Amy Ogrin
1 min readMay 15, 2019


Work with what you have.

That’s my lesson from today.

  • Forgot a book but still want to eat outside, away from a screen? Eat in silence & just enjoy the moment.
  • Don’t have the documentation you need to do your job? Start documenting what you know & ask others to fill it in.
  • Want to put down a path but there’s a giant rock in your way? Just build around it & let it be.

I’ve started (re)reading Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind and even two days in, I’ve found myself paying attention to my thoughts & how tightly I hold on to ideas. So today I took that awareness one step farther & looked at everything as if it was new. I tried to release control & observe & learn.

“To give your sheep or cow a large, spacious meadow is the way to control him.”

Today’s observations

  • Getting hot! Getting sunny! Summer is coming!
  • I missed my book 😭 I won’t forget it tomorrow.

Today’s stats

  • Time of day: 12:15–1pm
  • Steps: 3,000
  • Time sitting and long nothing: 20 minutes
  • Time talking to a coworker: 10 minutes
  • Confidence in day: 9/10

