30x30 — Day 9

Amy Ogrin
1 min readMay 10, 2019


So not gonna lie. Work beat me up today. But as I was driving home I decided to come to term with my day.

I can let a frustrating day at work ruin my whole evening OR I could just admit that sometimes things are hard & be fine with it.

And so today, I choose the second.

I can let the fact that it’s storming ruin my 30-day challenge. Or I can make the most with what I have & decide working out in the garage counts. Because it’s still me spending 30 minutes on myself.

I choose to come home, throw on my shoes, and workout and sweat. And be strong.

My 2019 mantra is strong back, soft front. Be strong — steadfast, sure of myself, confident, determined — and soft — kind, forgiving, curious, welcoming, joyful.

I think I chose well today.

Today’s observations

  • I love my little garage set up. It’s not fancy, but it’s there & ready when I need it.
  • Damn I feel good right now!

Todays stats

  • Time of day: 6:30–7pm
  • Time working out: 25 minutes
  • Time journaling: 5 minutes
  • Confidence in day: 4/10 at 5pm, 9/10 at 7pm

