Nîmes: My Favorite City in France

Amy Theulen
4 min readFeb 9, 2024


Oh, Nîmes. I haven’t stopped thinking about this lovely little city since May of 2022 when I studied abroad in France.

(Which also happens to be the last time I wrote on this platform, but we’ll just ignore that.)

I was immediately smitten by this French city. I remember stepping off the train from Paris delighted to be out of its hustle and bustle. Nîmes was a peaceful breath of fresh air for someone who has lived in a smaller city her whole life.

When my group left the train station, we were greeted with a sprawling street lit with a warm, evening glow. People strolled by leisurely, stopping at the various shops and restaurants along the cobblestone path. A small stream lined both sides of the walkway where children and birds alike splashed in the water.

The simplicity of it all was breathtaking. Old and new architecture blended beautifully to create a scene unlike one I had ever seen. The Arènes de Nîmes stood proudly at the center of it all, standing the test of time.

Needless to say, I was in love at first sight.

Photo by Hongbin on Unsplash

Nîmes was the group’s home base for our southern France excursions. We took trains and buses to Avignon, Marseille, and the Pont du Gard during our week there. Luckily, we were able to have a few days in Nîmes as well, which were unsurprisingly my favorites.

I climbed up to the top of the Tour Mange, an ancient Gaelic-Roman watchtower that sits on a hill above the city. My roommate and newfound friend, Sydney, and I admired the views of the city below us. I will admit, the trek up the hill to reach the watchtower wasn’t easy, and we were sunburnt and sweaty by the end of it. In the end, it was well worth it!

We also meandered around the shops in the city center. I remember a picturesque clock tower that stood proudly in the middle of one of the squares. It rivaled the towers of a nearby cathedral, but both were equally as beautiful to me. It made me wish there were places like that where I live. I would totally sit at a nearby café every day and work or study. Writing articles in a place like that would make me feel much more productive than writing in bed.

Our group visited a jeans store whose owner told us all about the history of denim. Get it: denim? De Nîmes? The more you know! We also got to meet a shop owner and clothing designer who specialized in traditional clothing worn at various festivals in the area. I loved the bright colors and patterns of the men’s shirts and the flowy maxi skirts that looked to be straight out of Mamma Mia.

Sydney and I stopped by Zara and a few other clothing stores. Unfortunately, there aren’t any Zara stores in my state, so we were both excited to finally have the chance to shop in person instead of online. I didn’t purchase anything, but it was still fun to browse.

I took lots of pictures for my final project while I shopped and wandered about the streets. I was putting a presentation together on fashion trend differences between the United States and France where I analyzed street style and social media differences between the two fashion cultures. It was one of my favorite research projects of my college career (not like there was much competition to begin with)!

One night in Nîmes, a few of us girls in the group had a picnic in a city park near the Arènes de Nîmes. While others had purchased salads or sandwiches, my budget-friendly dinner was a baguette and milk chocolate from a local grocery store. I didn’t mind; it seemed rather fitting for a picnic in France.

I loved being able to people-watch during the picnic. Not only was I able to scout out some fun outfits for my final project, but it was also interesting to watch the dynamics between couples, families, and friends. You know those moments when you realize wow, I am actually alive and living this life? I definitely had one of those. I was simply so happy to be there.

Photo by Rodolphe HÉRAUD on Unsplash

There are so many other beautiful moments and places of Nîmes that I could go on and on about, but I will close this article here. These other things deserve their own article for how much they mean to me!

If you ever have the chance to visit Nîmes, I highly suggest going. There is so much rich culture and history to explore through its many monuments, parks, shops, and local activities. I was able to find so much peace and beauty in this place, and I think you can too.

Have you ever visited Nîmes? I would love to hear what your opinions are of the city.

Thank you for reading!

