Blocking Subliminal & Hypnotic Manipulation in Everyday Conversation: A ChatGPT-Generated Guide

Amy Yohe
4 min readApr 6, 2023

I asked ChatGPT to create a guide on how to block subliminal and hypnotic techniques that creep into everyday conversation.

A guide on how to recognize common subliminal and hypnotic techniques in everyday conversation and how to block, avoid, or nullify their impact:

Pacing and Leading: This is when the person speaking matches your speech or behavior in order to gain rapport with you, and then leads you in a different direction. To avoid being influenced by this technique, pay attention to the person’s behavior and speech patterns, and be mindful of any sudden shifts in direction.

Anchoring: This is when a certain stimulus, such as a word or a gesture, is associated with a particular emotional response. To avoid being influenced by this technique, be aware of any stimuli that are being repeated or emphasized in conversation, and consciously detach any emotional associations that may be forming.

Mirroring: This is when a person subtly imitates your body language, tone of voice, and other nonverbal cues in order to build rapport with you. To avoid being influenced by this technique, pay attention to your own nonverbal cues and be mindful of any attempts to subtly manipulate your behavior.

Embedded Commands: This is when a command is embedded within a sentence, often using tonal shifts or pauses to draw attention to the command. To avoid being influenced by this technique, be mindful of any tonal shifts or pauses in conversation, and consciously detach any potential commands from the overall message.

Hypnotic Language Patterns: This is when language patterns are used to bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious. These include phrases such as “you may find yourself…” or “you might notice…”. To avoid being influenced by this technique, be mindful of any language patterns that seem repetitive or out of place, and consciously analyze any suggestions that are being made.

NLP Techniques: NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is a set of techniques used to influence behavior and communication. These include techniques such as reframing, anchoring, and rapport building. To avoid being influenced by these techniques, be aware of any changes in the conversation or behavior that seem sudden or unusual, and be mindful of any attempts to influence your behavior or beliefs.

Implied suggestion: This technique involves making a suggestion without directly stating it. For example, “I’m sure you don’t want to be late for the meeting” implies the suggestion that the listener should hurry up and get ready.

Social proof: This technique involves using the power of social influence to persuade someone to take a certain action. For example, “Everyone is using this new app, you should try it too” suggests that the listener should conform to the group and try the app.

Scarcity: This technique involves creating a sense of urgency or scarcity to motivate someone to take action. For example, “This sale ends tonight, so you better buy now” creates a sense of urgency to encourage the listener to make a purchase.

Repetition: This technique involves repeating a message or suggestion multiple times to increase its impact. For example, a salesperson may repeat the benefits of a product several times to encourage the listener to make a purchase.

Storytelling: This technique involves using a story or anecdote to convey a message or suggestion. For example, a politician may tell a story about a family struggling to make ends meet to convey the importance of their economic policies.

Flattery: This technique involves using compliments or praise to make someone feel good and more open to suggestions. For example, a coworker may compliment your work before asking you to take on an additional task.

It’s important to note that not all uses of these techniques are manipulative or harmful. However, by being aware of them, you can make informed decisions about how to respond and whether or not to take action.

Here are some tips to help you recognize and respond to subliminal and hypnotic techniques in everyday conversation:

Learn about common techniques: There are many books and resources available that discuss common subliminal and hypnotic techniques used in everyday conversation. By familiarizing yourself with these techniques, you will be better able to recognize them when they are used on you.

Be aware of your own emotional state: One of the reasons subliminal and hypnotic techniques can be effective is because they can bypass your conscious mind and access your subconscious. If you are feeling anxious, stressed, or emotionally vulnerable, you may be more susceptible to these techniques. Pay attention to your own emotional state and take steps to manage your stress and anxiety when needed.

Stay present in the moment: One of the best ways to avoid being influenced by subliminal and hypnotic techniques is to stay present in the moment and fully engaged in the conversation. Avoid multitasking or letting your mind wander, and instead focus your full attention on the person you are speaking with.

Ask clarifying questions: If you are unsure of the meaning or intention behind a statement or question, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification. This can help you better understand the message and avoid any potential manipulation.

Trust your instincts: If something feels off or manipulative about a conversation or interaction, trust your instincts and take steps to protect yourself. This may mean ending the conversation, seeking support from a trusted friend or counselor, or simply taking a break to clear your mind.

Overall, the key to recognizing and avoiding subliminal and hypnotic techniques in everyday conversation is to be mindful of your own behavior and reactions, pay attention to language patterns and nonverbal cues, and consciously detach any emotional associations or potential commands from the overall message.

By being aware of common subliminal and hypnotic techniques, staying present and engaged in conversations, and trusting your instincts, you can protect yourself from potential manipulation and maintain control over your own thoughts and actions.



Amy Yohe

On Youtube: LeftFieldOracle; On the web, Venmo: @LeftFieldOracle