Learn Kung-Fu By Yourself

3 min readNov 8, 2019


Kung-Fu or Gong-Fu is a Chinese martial art. It is optimally used for self-defense but it can undoubtedly be used to kick some serious sense into your opponents. If you want to be the best Kung-Fu master there ever was, a Sifu or a master is your best bet. If you can’t get to a private master, Kung-Fu teaching schools are available to teach multiple students. However, the financial burden can be too much to bear ad many people just can’t dedicate the time to training regularly. To counter these problems, a simple solution is to train yourself.

Training by yourself does not mean you have to do anything without guidance. There are training videos, training manuals, and online guides available that can teach you how to be proficient at basic Kung- Fu. For more advanced stuff and professional weapon’s training, you will need a dedicated teacher. Even if you only learn the basics by yourself, it’ll be a tough challenge.

Prepare the training space and yourself

Clear out a space in your house. Make sure it has plenty of light and heat regulation. Clean it thoroughly. Any leftover knick-knacks can cause injury and a serious accident. Hang a punching bag in a corner. Inspect it and refill it if needed. Check the strength of the hook and chain as well. All these steps are pertinent to ensure that you do not face any danger while training as you will likely have no spotter.

Start small

After you have built a little stamina with the punching bag and some cardio, plug in the instructional videos. Watch them carefully to identify different parts of training. Pick either the one you like best or the one you need the most improvement in. Start training according to instructions in the manual. The better option would be to make a lesson plan. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, you could work on stances and kicks. Then, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you mix it up with core skills, like balance and flexibility. On weekends, it could be cardio and strength training. Or you could have a relaxation day. It all depends on you.

Optimize every session

Learn to streamline your sessions with warm-ups at the beginning, and subject-based training in the middle. End your session with stance- maintenance practice and meditation. Important stances you should work on maintaining are horse stance, cat stance, front stance, and boxing stance. Work on your punches as well. Moves like jab, uppercut, and hook are important for Kung-Fu. Different kicks and blocks could be tried after mastering the basic moves.

Understand the philosophy

The philosophies of the forms and the moves are important to understand. Surround yourself with Kung-Fu gear like Nunchucks to gather inspiration. Think of the moves like different animals. Also, Practice, Practice, and Practice.

Your basic training is now underway. Consult the masters and the manuals and carry on! Have Fun!




Writer, Blogger, History Buff and Sword Enthusiast