Multiple Uses of Lighters for Every day And Survival

3 min readNov 28, 2019


Gavilla (

When you think about using a lighter on your survival journey, likely, you’re not even thinking about all the different ways that it can work for you. For most people, the only thing they think of when they think about lighters is how they’re going to start a fire, but that’s not the only thing they’re good for.

Before you get one for yourself you want to make sure that you know all the ways you’ll need to use it because that’s going to help you understand which one is the best option for you and your family.

Starting a fire

Of course, starting a fire is a great reason to have a lighter. There are plenty of other ways to go about the process but if you do have a lighter it’s going to be a whole lot easier to settle down for the night with your family. You’re almost always going to need that fire at night, after all, so the faster you can get it going the better off you’re going to be. Just about any lighter is going to help you start a fire, however, so you’ll be prepared for the cold nights (and even warm ones because fire keeps away other animals).

Seeing what you’re doing

Having a light is always going to be important because most of the actual work that you’re going to do will be in the dark. If you’re trying to keep your family safe in survival situations you want to make sure that you keep moving during the day, when it’s easier to be found and you stop at night. That means any repairs that need to be made to your supplies, cooking, building a fire or anything else need to be done in the dark. A lighter can provide a small amount of light to let you do what you need to without letting other people know you’re there.

Geralt (

Staying warm

If you can’t set up a large fire a small lighter can give off a decent amount of heat. It’s not going to be the same as if you have even a small fire going, but it can help a little. Of course, if you have the ability and you need to stay warm the best thing you can do is build a fire.


Of course, this may seem like an obvious one but there are plenty of reasons that you might need to burn something without trying to destroy it. For example, paracord is great for several things but if you don’t burn the ends it can easily unravel. Having a lighter to help you take care of this is extremely important so you can use the paracord for whatever you need, whether it’s setting up your tent, hanging supplies out of reach of animals or just about anything else. You want to make sure you’re prepared for anything after all.

Here you go. Get some quality lighters and Paracord to put a few of these concepts to test. Make sure you always use fire in a safe and secure environment. Additionally, don’t leave an open flame unattended. Have fun!




Writer, Blogger, History Buff and Sword Enthusiast