Ana Alvarez Guerra
2 min readJul 29, 2014

You are your brand

Personal branding, business branding, brand identity … but what is all this?

Branding is the term used to refer to the process of building a brand. The creation of all tangible and intangible attributes that together give meaning and direction. The brand is not just a logo.

When a business start working, it’s created with unique features that make it different and ready to grow.

Branding should be one of our strengths, good branding is a good identity and a clear identity is a strong company. Good branding is a good foundation. We can not start a house from the roof and we can’t start it with bad foundations. If we do that, sooner or later we will fail and we will have to stop and start again from the beginning, with a loss of time and money we don’t want.

You are your brand.

We are a brand, our own brand in the professional field:

How do you deal with your boss.

  • How do you deal with your employees.
  • How do you deal with your team.
  • The way you look.
  • The way you move.
  • The way you sell yourself.

You’re not only selling yourself in job interviews. Every day you spend at work you’re doing it. You can not relax. There is great competition, many people want to be in your place and are you going to waste your time?

You shouldn’t limit your career to your workplace: start a blog, join professional groups to discuss about your industry, attend conferences, chat with your colleagues. Be proactive, do not limit your knowledge to your 8 business hours. Tell everyone who you are and what you do. Enjoy your business 24 hours/day.

Ana Alvarez Guerra

Marketing Specialist. Brander. Great ideas win. CEO&Founder Principios de Marketing.