Sylo Smart Wallet welcomes Bitcoin

Anabela Rea
2 min readMar 25, 2020


We’re excited to announce that the Sylo Smart Wallet officially supports Bitcoin.

The first cryptocurrency in the world, Bitcoin has revolutionised the way global society thinks about and transacts with value.

There are Bitcoin enthusiasts around the world who truly believe in digital assets as a revolutionary technology. Our product design team have been set on delivering Bitcoin to these hardcore fans since late 2019, so that crypto advocates can get the most out of their experience in the Sylo Smart Wallet.

“Some of you might not have known but we actually introduced Bitcoin functionality a few months ago to the Smart Wallet as a hidden feature,” says James Carolan, Head of Design at Sylo.

“This was so we could test it out ‘in the wild’ and get real users’ feedback.”

As of 23 March 2020, Bitcoin is now fully supported by the Sylo Smart Wallet. But did you know it’s been available in ‘Test mode’ in the app since December 2019?

“It proved to be amazingly valuable and allowed us to identify and fix issues quicker, while affecting less users. Since this, we will consider doing it for other future features too.”

“Now that we’re out of the testing phase, we’re pleased to announce that we’re releasing it to all our users. So now you can easily send, receive and store Bitcoin in your Sylo Smart Wallet, as you choose.”

If testing the latest Sylo Smart Wallet features before everyone else sounds like something you’d be interested in, make sure to keep up to date with our social announcements here on Medium and Twitter to learn more about what’s coming next.

To start using Bitcoin with your Sylo Smart Wallet now, visit the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and download the latest version.



Anabela Rea

High Priestess of Lore / Head of Content & PR at the Seekers & Sylo