Tapeworm Diet: Using a Proxy to Lose Weight

Anabella Smith
3 min readNov 26, 2015


Have you heard about the tapeworm diet?

It’s not one I would want to try myself, nor one that I would suggest you try, but it sure shows how desperate some people are to lose weight and it makes me wonder what on earth they had tried before that didn’t work before they resorted to this.

The tapeworm diet is just about believable, because by eating tapeworm eggs and growing them in your intestine the tapeworm will take its share of the food you eat and so use up part of your energy intake.

People actually do this, believe it or not, and you can buy tapeworm eggs online.

If you must try this tapeworm diet — which is banned in the USA incidentally — you are better using pills that contain tapeworm eggs rather than trying the traditional method — eating raw meat that has been put into contact with feces.

Ughh!! Even I, who have eaten some pretty horrific things in my day, such as my mother’s pea and baked bean mix or spam fritters, would hesitate at that.

If that’s the price of losing weight I would rather be fat!

How to Use the Tapeworm Diet

Nope! The one diet I shall not be promoting on this website will be the tapeworm diet. However, if you want to try it here is some advice on different ways in which to take the tapeworm:

1. By eating a life worm. This is easy because it knows where it wants to go once it is your mouth, and it can be found in the feces of any human that already has them. Even one segment will do.

2. By eating tapeworm eggs: These are contained in the feces of anybody that has the worm, so wait until just shortly after the tapeworm mating season and ask them for a sample, and you should be fine. Note: The sample must not be cooked but eaten raw, or the egg will die.

3. By taking a tapeworm pill.

4. By taking tapeworm soup (preferably low-calorie soup)

If you don’t believe me check out this:

Tapeworms grow up to 66 feet long, so you can imagine how effective they are both at eating your food, and in taking up the space in your intestine.

Some people have several of these, and I would have thought that they would lose more weight losing a dozen 66 foot tapeworms than actually dieting!

So, in conclusion, the tapeworm diet is not recommended even though it may work, and in any case it is illegal. I wouldn’t want to be the guy to have to prove you had them though!

Important Disclaimer:

We accept no responsibility of any kind for any actions you make take in respect of the information above, and if you try the tapeworm diet, or ingest tapeworms or their eggs (or doo-doos) by any of the means above, we accept no responsibility for the consequences.

Such actions are taken entirely at your own risk.

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