Je Suis Elon Musk
The current kerfuffle between Elon Musk and Stewart Alsop is lighting up the partisans. There is much trolling and gnashing of teeth. Team Elon vs. Team Alsop. Even among Tesla owners themselves — usually staunch supporters of the brand and the man — there is heated disagreement on whether Elon did the right thing by canceling Alsop’s Model X reservation and refunding him his money.
I think he did the right thing.
In essence, Alsop posted a negative review of the Tesla Model X launch event, including Mr. Musk’s presentation style and the aesthetics of the Keynote that he gave. In retaliation, Musk called him “super rude” and banned him from ever buying a Tesla.
If you read the biography of Elon Musk by Ashley Vance, you will find a substantial amount of text devoted to the horrendous bullying that Musk endured for being a smart and nerdy kid. That’s the kind of thing that a man doesn’t forget.
Far be it for me to psychoanalyze Elon Musk, but frankly I really get why he is behaving the way he is. It is not his ego, which is substantial. More likely, it is a result of the defenses he’s built up from being relentlessly taunted by his peers. It is his chance for comeuppance.
Ich bin Ein Musk
Now, a personal story.
When we were first dating, my wife and I were at the beach, having a good time. All of a sudden, she put some sand down my pants and laughed. To be clear, this was not even really intended as a practical joke — just some harmless flirting. In response, I gave her a cold stare and told her that I have no patience for practical jokes. I am not a “good sport”, and that she must never do something like that again. I’m generally good natured — but she got the message loud and clear, and that kind of behavior has never been repeated.
You may think that this makes me out to be some kind of a jerk. Maybe it does. But it also makes me very sympathetic to Elon’s attitude toward haters.
Why am I like this? I’m not sure — but I think it has to do with being bullied for my intellect in grade school. So, when Elon lashes out at someone who is, for all intents and purposes, insulting him in public, I totally get why he believes them to be a bully who needs to be put in their place.
I am projecting my own experience on Elon Musk, of course. I am not quite an eidetic billionaire from South Africa. But we are both middle-aged white guys. Frankly, if I were Elon, I wouldn’t be a good sport about it either. Alsop insulted him and his company. That’s super rude, and Alsop should expect a retaliation.
Now, if Alsop had actually been wronged by Musk or his team, the response would have been incorrect and worthy of derision. But since it is Alsop who committed the malfeasance, he gets no pity from me.
I will only be disappointed if Musk somehow backpedals from his decision. Which is unlikely.