A letter to Stiles

Anagha Indulal
5 min readJun 14, 2019


Dear Mieczyslaw Stilinski,(I still don’t know how to pronounce your name!) The Human, The Jeep Lover, The Sarcastic One, The Brother, The Lover, The Friend, The Trouble, The Robin(sometimes!), The Solver…

You can’t erase a person. When they live inside you. You just can’t.

Thank you for staying human. Being human. It felt extraordinary to be a part of your journey from a spooky teenager to a wonderful man. I knew you were the sarcastic one when you said you found a body and Scott asked, “A dead body?”. And you replied, “No! A body of water! Of course a dead body, you dumb-ass!”. Or when you defined, “Lying!”. You were right to yell at Scott! Yes, you are 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones and sarcasm is your only defense. And yes, I am familiar with the term. But I do know this too. It was a shade, a curtain. To hide your fears. Your mother, wasn’t your fault, Stiles. You loved her and she knows that. And your father, he loves you too, even though you are a trouble. That’s what fathers do! They love you, unconditionally. Its kinda their thing! And we keep troubling them. You’re not alone in that! ;)

But you are more than that buddy!

Okay! I agree that you were brave and a little stupid, to go into the woods in the middle of the night dragging your greatest friend in the world, to trouble. The night that changed your life, his too. But you figured it out. You always figure it out. You helped him. Stood by him. Without you, he’d be dead by now!(May be!)

Its always better when your best friend knows.

You were a great friend, Stiles. You were ready to die for them a thousand times. I know you loved Scott like a brother. No! He was your brother. The parabatai. You guys weren’t no-one. And the pain must’ve killed you when he said he wanted to kill himself. But as always, you were there for him. You brought him back.

Brothers by bond.

But then when you became the Nogitsune, you hurt him. It must’ve hurt you to hurt him right? I saw your tears when you stabbed him. The tears of a boy who was trapped inside his own body, while hurting his brother. But you are part of the pack. How can the pack not answer when the Alpha calls?

He’ll listen to The Alpha.

You taught me its okay to be not okay. But find happiness anyway. And it broke your heart when Scott didn’t trust you. But you taught me not all of us are true alphas. And that we make mistakes and learn from them. That we lose hope sometimes. And we’re not perfect. Some of us are human. Just human. And we’ll have to learn to live with our mistakes. And that we can make up-to it. If we try. And you did.

And that must’ve broken your heart. When he didn’t trust you.

Oh! and Lydia! You were meant for each other. I remember you saying you’d go out of your frigging mind if something happened to her. You would, Stiles. You’d never be the same. ’Cause you love her. You always loved her. Even when she didn’t love herself. Even when you knew she was 60% evil!

You told her to remember you loved her, and guess what? She did. She was the only one who did. She loved you and you knew. She never even had to say it back. Your love was such. You get hurt and she feels the pain. You would’ve gone to hell for her, but she would’ve stayed to burn with you. It was the purest form of romantic love. Your love brought you back. Always REMEMBER that. And when you kissed, she felt the sunshine coursing through her veins. It was the moment when it all changed. You were the truth of her life and she knew it. And your 15-year plan is still in motion. God! I could write pages about your love and even they wouldn’t suffice!

‘You said, “Remember I love you.” And I remembered.’ The simple, yet undeniable power of human love.

I know somewhere deep down you feel that Allison was your fault, don’t be. She died saving you, her friends. That was heroic and brave and human and whatnot. And we will remember her, won’t we? ’Cause the pack remembers. Wanna make her proud? Live what she lived for. “Protect those who cannot protect themselves.” I know you’ll do that.

To be a human that runs with the wolves, you have to be the best. And you are The Best. So go out there! Keep being “sarcastic.” Grow smart. Be confident. Be spooky. Solve puzzles. Save Beacon Hills. Oh! and by the way, learn to hold a gun for cripes sake! They need you. All of you. More than you know.

“The strength of the wolf is the pack and the strength of the pack is the wolf…” Yup! I referenced Mowgli! Can’t blame me!(learned that from ya!(Inappropriate lines at inappropriate places!))

PS: No one gets left behind. That is always the plan.

Love, A fellow human.

