7 Facts About Cats 😸

Anagha Praveen
2 min readJan 16, 2024


Hiiii!! I’m back with a collection about cats!! Here they are….

I did some research and found these mind blowing facts! Here we goooo!!

Photo by Raoul Droog on Unsplash

1. They’re born blind and deaf

Kittens are born with closed eyes and closed ear canals. Their eyes usually open between the 7th and 14th day post birth.

2. Kittens sleep a great deal of time

Cats are crepuscular animals — meaning they are most active during the dawn and dusk.

3. They grow their first teeth at the age of 3 weeks

Their baby (deciduous) teeth start erupting at the age of 3 weeks. They start falling out around the 14th week.

4. They have 24 Whiskers

If you’ve got multiple cats, you may be surprised to know that they have the same number of whiskers. Typically cats have 24 whiskers— 12 on the right side of their face, 12 on the left.

5. They are Tigers at Heart

Whether you have a feisty kitten, a seasoned hunter, a cuddly softie or a couch potato cat, they all have a tiger in them. Pet cats were found to share 95.6% of their DNA with tigers, proving that even the most gentle-natured kitty has a wildness to them!

6. Kittens Can Fit Their Bodies Anywhere They Can Fit Their Heads

Cats and kittens can fit their bodies almost anywhere they can squeeze their heads into, so be sure to exercise the utmost care and caution when kitten-proofing your house. Their adorable little heads can fit just about anywhere!

7. The Average Kitten Litter is 1–9 Kittens

The average litter size for cats is about 1–9 kittens, but the largest ever recorded was a total of 19 kittens! That’s a lot of mouths to feed!

Oh My God! That was a lot of facts! I hope you enjoyed reading them! bye!

This is Achu signing out!


