The medium is the message by |Global Citizens|

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We are a three-member team of Cultural Management students, interested in Athens’ regeneration through culture and co-creation. Within the context of the workshop “Athens Co-Creation City Branding Project”, hosted by Betty Tsakarestou, we took a journey around the world to explore initiatives, campaigns and cases that apply to vibrant cities and have a message to communicate to the world.

*Global citizens a.k.a. Eva Anagnostaki, Ourania Mavriki & Anastasia Rizou

After several stops at cities of the world, we got finally in our city, Athens! Focusing on its local people’s wisdom and its multifaceted character, we build a strategic plan towards Athens´regeneration and redefinition. And as “the medium is the message”, we further outlined the communication strategy of our proposed plan, according to its content, its audience and its particularities.

FOOD ~ Re.experience the Greek Cuisine

After our research and exploration, we came up with the idea of a food market with branded Greek products, located in an Athenian arcade.

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Communication goal → Promote the food market as an Athenian landmark, as an authentic must see.

Audience → Visitors and locals

Message → “Readopt the Mediterranean cuisine, experience the Greek food and take it home with you”

Channels → social media, digital ads, press, travel agencies, airport, hotels, touristic platforms

CULTURE~ Re.frame Greek Culture

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Aspiring to close the gap between ancient and contemporary Athens, in terms of its cultural portrayal for the visitors, we propose a Museum Trail with chronological continuum.

Communication goal → Convey the holistic cultural experience that Athens has to offer

Audience → Mainly visitors

Message → Experience a cultural time travel from ancient times to nowadays.

Channels → social media, digital ads, press, travel agencies, airport, hotels, touristic platforms, cultural diplomacy


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Suggesting a homemade food festival as the gathering motive, the Filema Project not only embraces co-existence in the neighborhood context, but also harnesses the wisdom of the Athenians, creating a network of engaged and active citizens.

Communication goal → Depict the public dialogue and open collaboration as an everyday tool for the Athenians

Audience → Athenians, local stakeholders, grassroots movements

Message → Connect with your neighbors through a “filema” meetup, reimagine your neighborhood and react

Channels → website, social media, press, physical presence and communication with the local community

PUBLIC SPACE~ Re.imagine Athens

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Creative placemaking is our answer to Athens’ public space serious challenges. This urban design method mingles the creatives with the local community, intending to transform the public into common space.

Communication goal → Boost the locals’ confidence in their potential and influence, foster co-creation and localism

Audience → Athenians, local stakeholders, creatives, potential investors

Message → Hack the challenges of your city, by co-creating a better common space

Channels → communication with the local community, local stakeholders and potential investors, website and social media


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We might have not explored into depth this sector, but since tourism is so significant for Athens and as this city really inspires us, we had some ideas towards a fresh, alternative communication approach that embraces Athens´diverse nature!

We focused at three promising target groups including students, young creatives and traditional -if applicable- tourists.

I. Students

Message: Athens is not just beautiful, it’s sexy. Come live the student experience in a city with great food, weather, entertainment, always awake and friendly.

Channels: social media, student blogs, universities’ international offices

II. Young creatives

Message: The greek crisis has resulted in a more creative mindset where challenges are transformed into opportunities. Come to Athens to interact with local creative scene and share knowledge and ideas.

Channels: international institutions, ambassadors, social media, hubs

III. Tourists

Message: Rediscover Athens as a serendipitous city that offers you tailor-made experiences.

Channels: website, social media, digital storytelling, digital ads, press…Basically, a 360/transmedia communication strategy that adapts itself to each medium used and conveys the versatile story of Athens.

Playing around with the idea of our contradictory and charming city and putting together our creativity, we designed some new postcards of Athens and a quiz-like campaign and we hope you’ll enjoy!

Greetings from Athens…

Postcards made by Ourania Mavriki

You can see the presentation of our work here.

Next and last stop: Our thoughts on citiness!



Eva Anagnostaki
Athens Co-Creation City Branding Project

Enticed by culture and arts, new media, collaboration, co-creation, community and personal initiatives