Social Media Trends in 2020

Anahit Shababyan
6 min readNov 19, 2019


The changes in social networks are constant and revolutionary. Digital Marketing professionals have to be attentive to the news, so that companies do not lose traffic or customers. Talkwalker and HubSpot were assigned to the task of consulting more than 50 experts from all regions of the world, and complementing this effort with statistics obtained from the Talkwalker’s social network analysis platform, and today they are sharing their insights in the study Social Networks Trends in 2020. This study analyzes valuable data and information that show how the use of social networks has been developed and consolidated, which without a doubt, has impacted the design of much stronger marketing strategies for all companies globally. Here are the most relevant findings of the Social Network Trends in 2020 study by Talkwalker and HubSpot.

The next generation in social networks

New social networks create a new communication landscape, and the emergence of unique and niche networks should not come as a surprise. Users are no longer looking for large communities, but relevant communities: less noise, more genuine commitment. In 2019, Instagram reached one billion monthly active users, consolidating itself as the fifth most significant social media channel in the world. Still, TikTok is emerging as the favorite by 2020 when approaching 750 million monthly users. In Social Media, no one in the industry is talking about new channels concerning social media marketing. Only 1% of the mentions are related to the latest social media platforms. When brands have been involved with social networks in their first phase of development and positioning with users, it means risk, but one that can give clear long-term benefits.

Social welfare as an essential part of the commitment to the consumer

There are more and more conversations about welfare in social networks, which has led to the emergence of movements such as Disconnection Day or #DigitalDetox. Awareness about the impact of social networks on mental health is increasing; this year, there have been about 80 thousand conversations about social welfare. People are increasingly aware of how social networks can affect their mental health, and this represents a new challenge, which suggests companies monitor their consumers in social networks and, primarily, focus the stategy towards the quality of the messages and not the quantity. If users reduce the use of social networks, companies will have fewer opportunities to be heard.

Data privacy and fake news

Social networks suffered a trust problem in recent years, due to two main issues: data privacy and misinformation. Meaning that trust in a brand could be destroyed if it is linked to something that puts customer data or personal information at risk. Companies must balance a thin line between data privacy and personalization. 3.1% of the news related to brand confidence was related to false news and misinformation. Fake news mentions fell more than 10% in the first half of 2019. In 2020, the big trend will be for brands and digital platforms to work together to counteract the distrust perceived in social networks.

Next-generation in technology: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

The conversations about augmented reality and virtual reality had 13.2 million interactions in the first half of 2019. With the 5G network at hand and the latest cell phones with technology such as 3D depth lens, 2020 is emerging as the perfect scenario for These technologies finally take off. 2020 will be the year when augmented reality and virtual reality take off. It is time for companies to invest in this technology. If augmented reality helps improve the user experience within the physical store, virtual reality will be essential to boost online sales.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI was the most discussed trend in the first half of 2019, with more than 4.7 million mentions, more than double compared with the others. We are beginning to see the integration between AI and human intelligence as the digital transformation begins. The experience of practical AI, from automation to chatbots, is changing consumer perception; therefore, brands have to invest in available AI technologies to maximize their results, whether to accelerate marketing efforts, manage data effectively or to improve the consumer experience.

The next generation in marketing: Generation Z

By 2021, for the first time, advertising investment for mobile searches will exceed that of desktop devices in the United States. New methods, such as voice search and electronic commerce in social networks, are generating more conversations, with 172 thousand and 226 thousand mentions, respectively. 84% of Millennials say that they don´t trust traditional advertising. This generation has a significant purchasing power, so new disruptive technologies will be needed to innovate in marketing strategies, and Generation Z will only participate if such an approach is modified. Millennials and Generation Z are generations acknowledged about the technology that demands innovation, creativity, personalization, brand purpose, and transparency. In 2020, brands must consider precisely what these generations want.

User-generated content

80% of brands say that their efforts for building community caused an increase in traffic. 90% of buying decisions are made thanks to user-generated content. The key to success will be to create a sense of community within their consumer base that generates content about products and services. Millennials not only buy a product, but also the experience that it offers.

Influencer marketing

49% of consumers depend on the influencers‘ recommendations before making a purchase, which is why 61% of marketing specialists increased influencers’ marketing spending in 2019. In 2020, we forecast there will be a revolution about how marketing specialists manage their influencers’ campaigns. Brands will build relationships with smaller influencers, with communities of greater cohesion. Thus, instead of a powerful influencer, you can invest in 100 micro-influencers for a similar cost.

Digital transformation

Throughout these social media trends, there is one that overcomes the rest: the digital transformation. It is defined as the evolution of companies through the use of new digital technologies to maximize the customer experience, facilitate new processes, and improve the revenue. At the beginning of 2019, 66% of companies had not been started a digital transformation program, yet. The most surprising is that more than half of that number does not have a plan to start one before 2020. The digital transformation will allow making data-based decisions through its comprehensive collection, which will ensure that the information is behind all the actions.

