Build full stack web apps with MEVN Stack [Part 1/2]

Anita Sharma
6 min readSep 18, 2017

[Update] I have written a book(Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node) which talks about how we can build web applications using the MEVN technology stack mentioned in this blog.

You can find more details on the book here: or grab yourself a copy from Amazon here.

If you want to learn more, here is a preview of the book:

At CloudFactory, we always strive to go an extra mile. Even though we are a Ruby first company, we like to invest in learning new technologies. While exploring full-stack development framework for a pet project we thought about MEAN and MERN but since VueJS was something new we wanted to give it a try and MEVN came to light.

The acronym “MEVN” stands for “MongoDB Express.js VueJS Node.js”. In this post, I am going to show how to create a basic MEVN (MongoDB/Express/VueJS/Node.js) Stack application.

Prerequisites for this guide:

  • Basic knowledge of Javascript
  • Concepts of REST and CRUD
  • Node.js / NVM installed
  • MongoDB installed

What to expect from this guide:

  • Full stack application with MEVN architecture



Anita Sharma

Software Engineer - Author of Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node - Packt Publishing