Top tips for job hunting!

3 min readNov 25, 2019


The worst thing you can do is lie about your history

Hunting for your dream job is a goal worth working for. Challenging, difficult but always worth it. How can you get there? What are those typical challenges one faces when job hunting?

Not knowing what I want to do

A lot of us don’t take the time to think about this question. What is it that I actually want to do? If one would want to figure this out, how should one begin? If you keep a diary, vlogs, blogs, read certain news, follow some topics — what are those? If you order a news paper, whats the first news you go to? Usually those topics might give you a hint as to what interests you.

Not knowing qualities that make you a top candidate

You know the topic what you want to do, so what? After that it's important to think about your strengths — and the challenges you might have to face in your new job. Easiest way to find those challenges is to think about the job tasks and dissect them into smaller pieces. What challenging parts can you find in those tasks? How could you overcome those challenges? In other words, you’ll become a solution provider to those challenges that that company faces.

For example is there a certain task that requires you to have knowledge of information security and you're lacking in it? Is there something you are already doing to familiarize yourself with it? Are you taking courses, reading up on it, doing degrees to make yourself more qualified?

Another easy way to get a bit insight is to apply to different mentoring programs or just ask someone to act as your mentor, a lot of people are open to act as a mentor as long as you show you’re committed to the process and know who you’re writing to.

Not knowing the right people

A very easy mistake is to network only with the people you actually know in real life. Chances are that your network in that case will be quite small. An easy way to network with ie. recruiters is to take part in LinkedIn discussions. For example in Finland we had a “connect with a recruiter”-discussion. So make sure to know what challenge you’re actually solving and take part in networking with the right people.

Connect with a recruiter

Be too rigid with what you want

These days the job market does not work like it used to, we do not have careers the way we used to. Our job positions might change rapidly between positions that have very little — or even nothing at all - to do with each other. You might have been working in a leadership role in sales and you’re next position might be for example in HR. A lot of this comes down again to finding those strengths that you have developed in your previous jobs or hobbies.

So remember to be open to opportunities. New opportunities are a fantastic way to develop and learn completely new skills to help you move even further towards that dream job.

Stay positive & consistent in your job search

A lot of the times getting that dream position is a long process that requires time and effort. Remember to not take too much pressure about your career. Even your dream job usually changes and evolves over time. Let it evolve and change, don’t stick to one plan too strongly.

Its good to stay positive and enjoy the process!




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