Android Series

Android Guy
1 min readNov 14, 2018


In this Android Series, I will help you develop and sharpen your Android application development skills starting from the basic to the advance level.

With years of experience in Android application development through self-online-study, I think it is time for me to contribute back to the society by nurturing new generation of developers who are keen on mobile technology.

I really hope that this series will help you becoming a professional Android developer.

Enjoy and thanks for reading!

  1. Introduction to Android
  2. Android Activity Lifecycle
  3. Android Manifest
  4. Android Intents
  5. Android: Let’s Start Coding
  6. Android Basic Unit Tests
  7. Android Permissions
  8. Android & Web Services
  9. Android Layouts
  10. Android Views
  11. Android Events
  12. Android Custom Views
  13. Android List & RecyclerView
  14. Android Intent & Lunch Modes
  15. Android & RxAndroid
  16. Android Dependency Injection with Dagger 2
  17. Android Robolectric and Mockito
  18. Android & SOLID
  19. Android & Clean Architecture
  20. Android Library Artifacts
  21. Android Architecture Components — Room & LiveData
  22. Android Architecture Components — Paging Api
  23. Android Architecture Components — Navigation Api



Android Guy

Lead Software Engineer @ Property Guru, An Android Expert and An Photography Enthusiast.