Creating ePiRoê Agency and its first campaign

During this semester a brand new (fictional) PR agency was born in Ad Discovery and Creativity Lab. Here is its story.

If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you.”- David Brier (author of “Brand Intervention”).

Creating ePiRoê Agency

Coming up with the name :

After brainstorming on various names that would capture our agency’s powerful and positive influence in the industry, we finally agreed on ePiRoê, which literally means influence in greek. This word is more and more linked to digital which is our playcourt. Moreover our agency is based in Greece but we also wanted to use the Latin alphabet in order to show that we are an international agency (as we are based in Greece and France).

The purpose of the company is shown by putting the letters P & R in capitals, since we are a PR agency. Our audience is mainly millennials. For the design of the logo we wanted something sober and minimalist but with at least one color to make the text more lively. We chose purple because it conveys a peaceful and zen atmosphere. The shade we chose is often associated to creativity and originality.

Our vision :

Our vision had to hold meaning to each member of our team. As four young women of various ethnicities and cultures and concerned by sustainability we wanted to emphasis multiculturalism, ecology and solidarity. We wish to leave our own mark on the industry, by choosing to work with people who will shape this generation and help it grow — by empowering those in need, inspiring those with a plan, and creating opportunity for young influencers/artists/entrepreneurs to succeed. We also talked about transparency being very meaningful to us, since we want to represent honest people who want to make an honest, positive difference and consequently spread a message of openness, authenticity and self love. In order to convey quickly our vision and values we created a motto summing up our goal.

Our values are directed towards the improvement of social and environmental issues and the empowerment of equality and authenticity, which are greatly influencing our plans and actions

Our team:

As our company follows an “out of box” thinking approach when it comes to our roles, we often share our responsibilities to achieve an integrated outcome.

Our digital presence : Content is representative of the brand.

We made a website where you get to know about us, our values, expertise, services and work ( You can subscribe to our newsletter. Through this newsletter subscribers are informed about to the latest events. We are dealing with topical issues (in the form of little articles) and providing inspiring content (like quotes).

Also we decided to create a page on Facebook, the biggest social media (1,2 billion users) in order to give us more visibility and build engagement ( However our main social media is Instagram. On this platform we are sharing informations, exclusive inspiring and creative visual content. Instagram is helping us building a strong community (

Moreover we decided to create an app where our community can share their own thoughts, ideas, knowledge and vision. Thanks to we designed an application prototype.

Creating our first campaign

Creative Strategy Brief Hellenic Red Cross for blood donation.

As first client we chose Hellenic Red Cross. Created in 1877, it is the biggest non-governmental organization in Greece with a complex task that is based on voluntary work and on direct response to the citizens. It is always active aiming to alleviate human pain in times of war and peace, to support wounded, patients, refugees, elders, people facing economic difficulties and people from all vulnerable parts of society. Its work is connected to constant alert, solidarity and altruism and is the synonym to non profitable offer and selflessness.

Focus :

The main problem we are trying to solve in collaboration with Hellenic Red Cross is the lack of blood donors. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, among the list of critical things in short supply these days, there is a shortage of blood donations. They are facing unprecedented lows causing dwindling reserves for hospitals everywhere. Given the current situation, people are afraid about how COVID-19 might affect their ability to donate. There is a general lack of information about blood donation on the Hellenic Red Cross’ website.

The good news is that donating blood is still safe during the pandemic and our goal is to get people informed. Throughout our campaign our focus will be to give people answers by explaining who is eligible to blood donation and how is it working during the pandemic.

In collaboration with the Red Cross Organisation, our goal is to gain new blood donors, help people hesitating, to take action and people not thinking about it, to think about it.

Taking into account that not all people can be blood donors, we should make the terms of blood donation known. In that way, only people that are able to donate will reach the donation centers in order to avoid crowding.

The target audience is millennials who never made blood donation and are not well informed about this subject. Our target audience are male and female, in the age range of 18 and 30, and living in Greece. They learn about products and get informed mainly through social media and internet.

Our campaign might actually reach a broader audience as not only millenials are concerned but the targeted audience is a starting point, a focus to deliver a good and corresponding solution.

Distribution plan :

We aspire to pass the message of our campaign through social media has it is the medium that millenials are using the most. We also wanted to hire influencers and professionals to talk about the issue.

The goal of the interview is to inform people on blood donation requirements. The message will be delivered by an expert or an influencer linked to the subject (a Red Cross volunteer or Eleni Asimaki, @elmayahh a greek Instagram influencer followed by 53,3 thousands persons, affected by sickle cell anemia) in order to attract people who never donated, invite them to take actions and help saving lifes. Our audience is millennials therefore the interview will be diffused on all Hellenic Red Cross Instagram, Facebook and Youtube accounts. (@hellenicredcross, @redcrossathens, @komotiniredcross, @redcrossthiva…). A kind of auto-interview. The interviewee will be the only one to appear in the video. The questions will appear written. Therefore we can call it an auto-interview.

Here is Hellenic Red Cross interview for blood donation by ePiRoê agency :

This was the story of how ePiRoê Agency’s started up — if you want to know more about the work we made during the Ad Discovery and Creative Lab, feel free to check my colleagues articles :

Thank you for reading !

ePiRoê Agency’s team : Anaëlle N’Diaye, Elena Alid, Maria Perou and Crystal

