The A-Team: 5 Questions with Joy Teddy, PR & Partnerships Manager at Analog Teams

3 min readJun 13, 2022


Joy Teddy is currently the Public Relations & Partnerships Manager at Analog Teams, where she is responsible for managing an international media team while overseeing all press; external & internal communications for Analog Teams & Partners across the company’s presence in 7 locations including Washington DC, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, and Nigeria.

Explain your job to a five-year-old?

In my opinion, I think it’s a pretty hard profession for a kid to understand. I have an 8-year-old brother. I sometimes talk to him about my work and even had him follow me to work every day for a week and he had a hard time “getting it”.

In my best attempt, I would describe my job as someone who helps companies by highlighting their cool, interesting, and important stories to the world. The process is usually confusing to explain. I simplify it by saying, “See that cool photo on that news website? I sent that to them!” or that sort of thing.

What’s something you wish you knew earlier in your career or life?

The need to not overthink things and just get things moving. Just start, you do not need to have everything figured out. The vision gets clearer with progress.

Learning on the go is okay; it can be intimidating to come in with fresh eyes and limited experience, thinking you’re behind, in terms of skills and knowledge. But, it’s ok. It’s important to keep in mind that everyone has been at this stage at some point in their lives.

You don’t need a degree in PR to be successful. In fact, learning on the go is firmly part of the job. People new to PR should act like a sponge and spend the first few weeks soaking in every single thing possible.

Also, over-communicate and pay attention to every detail as much as possible. It can be easy to lose sight of the tiny details when working in a fast-paced environment, but details matter. Being overly communicative with your team could be the saving grace that keeps you one step ahead of the client.

What would you say is the most promising thing about tech in Africa?

Africa is closely looked at as the next big market. A description that has persisted for a while now. The African continent is home to the youngest population in the world,

The youth are the future workforce of the region, with about 11 million young people expected to enter the labor market each year for the next decade.

Technology is rapidly changing the employment landscape, generating jobs that demand a range of digital skills. If young Africans are to compete for high-tech, higher-paying jobs-and take advantage of increasing opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship-technology in Africa might soar higher than you think.

The continent is full of promise and young people are its most valuable asset.

One thing you love about working at Analog Teams?

Analog Teams is a team of visionary people. Everyone shares the same vision and is dedicated to the mission. There is a genuine spirit of cooperation and shared goals.

Great people attract great people.

What single achievement are you most proud of?

The ability to consistently grow. I never stop learning.
Never, become that expert that believes there’s nothing new to learn.

