Become a Computer Vision Artist, Automated ML with Auto Keras, DeepMind’s FREE Dataset, and more Machine Learning Resources!

Team AV
4 min readAug 6, 2018


Welcome to another week of Analytics Vidhya’s popular AVBytes round-up, fresh off the press! We have a thrilling line-up of machine learning and deep learning articles and resources for you here — no data scientist will want to miss these.

Highlights from the past week: It was a Keras dominated week. Stanford’s ‘Outpainting’ algorithm will make you a computer vision artist, perform automated machine learning for FREE with Auto-Keras, OpenAI’s robot hand and DeepMind’s approach could lead us to Artificial General Intelligence, and many other developments below!

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Click on each title to read the full article.

The above AVBytes were published from 30th July to 5th August, 2018.

Which article or library did you find the most useful as a data scientist? Let us know in the comments section.



Team AV

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