Ways to Build a Positive Online Reputation

Tatvam Insights
3 min readJan 22, 2020


Establishing a positive online reputation in today’s digital market is required for any business to maintain growth. There are various online reputation management tools and strategies which assist in developing good online chatter for your business and keeping it positive in the long run.

Online Reputation Management refers to controlling the reputation and image of a brand or individual online. This is primarily executed through the usage of customer feedback and other relevant tools.

Here are some of the online reputation management tools and tips that can fetch a respectable place for your business on any online digital platform.

1. Create Your Online Business Card

Your business’ web page acts like an online calling card and it should be designed and drafted in a catchy, short and unambiguous manner. The visual layout should be clear, the text should be informative and to the point, and there should be matching graphics to support the overall layout. Also, detailed information about the company should be provided under two sections: ‘about us’ and ‘contact us.’ The ‘about us’ page should have the details of your company background and inception along with your greatest achievements, while the ‘contact us’ page should have the company’s head office address, e-mail address and phone number. Lastly, make sure to include a section where client reviews and comments can be incorporated.

2. Write a Professional Blog

Blogs are the best medium to share your company’s products and establish a niche for it. Blogs enriched with creative infographics, relevant pictures and self-explanatory charts help in creating an image of expertise in the eyes of website visitors.

3. Manage Online Reviews

There are online monitoring tools available that act as online reputation analysis tools for your company and the products that it deals with. They assist you in getting more insight into the opinions that people have about your company and its products. Online tracking can help you remove any negative comments or reviews made on social media about your products before they jeopardize your company’s reputation.


4. Share Your Achievements

Awards and success stories help in publicizing positive remarks about a company’s reputation. This in turn, helps build trust among clients who do not hesitate to further recommend your company openly on other social media platforms or in the real world.

5. Get Active on Social Media

Engaging your followers with interesting and entertaining content on social media is one of the fastest ways to build a positive image for your company in today’s growing digital era. Writing quick and sincere posts about your products can fetch a lot more fan-following and positive leads. Remember, social media is a strong platform that enables you to build a relationship with your prospective clients in the long run.

6. Verified Google Listing

Google ratings are valued and quite sought after in today’s digital market. It acts as a catalyst, in the true sense of the word, as it authenticates the quality and durability of your products. It is crucial to maintain a high verified google rating for your company to progress in the future.

7. Publish Relatable Content-

When publishing content, always keep in mind that your goal is to be as far-reaching as possible. Keep your content simple, precise and relatable in order to reach the widest audience. Make sure that whatever you post, whether on social media, a blog or a marketing campaign, is honest and unadulterated.

Lastly, it is vital to remember that building a positive reputation for your business may take years of hard work and dedication. It could also crumble in the blink of an eye. If your goal is to succeed then your mantra should be to stay genuine, truthful and dedicated in your work.



Tatvam Insights

Tatvam is a customer feedback analysis and management product. It help you increase your visitor satisfaction and attendance numbers.