Anam Imtiaz
4 min readJul 24, 2020

5 Acts of Kindness

“Kindness is spreading sunshine into other people’s lives regardless of the weather.” — RAKtivist.

In today’s world we are too much busy and we forget this little happiness.I think its not little it’s too big because when we dokindness with anyone it gives us’s a simple concept it can make a world a peaceful place. It has the power to drastically improve our own well-being as well as that of our families, friends, acquaintances, and strangers.if we do only one kindness our brain will learn new skill on daily basis even though its too tiny but its too important for your peace and spending life.we can start from our home, from our surrounding then this thing spread.

I started myself to contributed in this through 5 simple actsof kindness with in 24-hours from my home.

Watering Plants:

Water helps a plant by transporting important nutrients through the plant. Nutrients are drawn from the soil and used by the plant. Without enough water in the cells, the plants droop, so water helps a plant to stand.its just like us if don’t get enough energy or don’t eat food properly then we’ll be weak. we aren’t able to do work properly. I love watering plants but from past couple of weeks i wasn’t able to give water to plants because of busy shedule. but when i gave water plants i feel like they seems give me a smile.This is too tiny act but believe me it give me a inner peace.

Dolgano Coffee:

so, 2nd kindness which i done that i made dogano coffee for my brother. he liked it and he love this so much. Btw its a diffrent experience because siblings love are too much odd because in this we fight each other infact we love too but when someone from outside any thing say bad of any of our brother or sister then then express the real feelings.Think about your siblings and memorize their funny acts.

“Sibling know you better than anyone”-Dr. Terri Apter

On Call wish:

In this corona period, we 4 friends some a lil bit away from each other as on messages or calls some time we talk or some time not, some time some one is free or some one busy but then i talked with my 2 friend the we’ll wish together at 12 am of our friend then we wished and we talk like we wasn’t meet pr talk like years it was a excellent experience.

Help to my class fellow:

so, my 2nd last kindness is to send a book to my class fellow as she is my freind but just like there are many forms of friendship some of which may vary from place to placecertain characteristics such as empathy, sympathy,honesty etc present in such type of bond. it’s okay it feels good. it also a good experience as we have to help each other as we are human and our responsbility to help eachother.

water for birds:

I always keep water for birds but due to some busy schedule i forgot. when i again keep water for them and when birds came and drank water and their chirping sounds like i fel’t they thank you to me and i fel’t they happy. like they drank and fly in air and other came and done this activity around 30 mins and i just saw them constantly and when they drank i felt so much happiness.

“Even a small act of kindness can make a big diffrence in someone’s world” i agree with this quote as we don’t know our too tiny act can hurt someone or can bring smile on some one face so, we have to do every act with careful manner.