What is Yellow Sapphire Stone ? Benefits and Wearing Procedure of Yellow Sapphire

5 min readOct 4, 2018


What is Yellow Sapphire Stone?

Yellow Sapphire Stone is a precious and rare gemstone. In Vedic astrology it represents the house of Jupiter. Jupiter or Brihaspati graha is the largest planet in our solar system.

In Hindu astrology Brihaspati is responsible for wisdom, health, wealth and knowledge. If the Guru graha is seated in a malefic position it gives negative results. At the same time if seated in an auspicious house it will bless native with positive results.

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

Yellow Sapphire gemstone is called Pukhraj Stone, Pukhraj Ratna or Pukhraj Rashi ratna in Hindi. Pukhraj gemstone helps to reduce the negative effects of Brihaspati graha. But, it is not necessary that it is recommended for only those who have Jupiter in a malefic house. Sometime it is also recommended to people to increase the positive effects.

Pukhraj Stone and Jupiter Planet

Jupiter stays in a zodiac sign for approximately 13 months. Similarly completes the zodiac cycle in 12 years. The color of Jupiter in astrology is yellow. Thus, Yellow Sapphire is the stone of Jupiter. Its quality is calculated on the scales of size, color and quality. Yellow sapphire is considered auspicious for the natives of Sagittarius and Pisces.

Who should wear Yellow Sapphire Stone?

Brihaspati is considered the most auspicious planet. It brings us luck and fortune. But sometimes it may give negative results too. One should wear Pukhraj Rashi Ratna if –

  • Guru is placed in a malefic house of the native
  • Natives of Sagittarius and Pisces can wear Yellow Sapphire stone
  • Natives who suffer from health related issues like joint pain, heart problems, kidney diseases, stomach problems, cough or lung diseases
  • If any naïve is facing financial trouble then also he or she can wear Pukhraj
  • Any native who is feeling depressed can wear Yellow Sapphire gemstone
  • Yellow Sapphire stone is also recommended for unmarried girls who are getting trouble to find a suitable match
  • Any natives who are missing their promotions and growth opportunities
  • Any natives who are having troubled married life can wear Pukhraj rashi ratna
  • Yellow Sapphire may bring relief for natives going through Rahu Mahadasha or Rahu Antardasha

It is advised to get your Birth Chart examined by an experienced Astrologer before wearing Pukhraj.

What size Yellow Sapphire gemstone should be worn?

Most of the astrologers agree that the Yellow Sapphire gemstone must be of at least 3.189 Ratti (5 carats) in weight.

How is Yellow Sapphire gemstone purified?

It is purified by immersing the gemstone in milk, Gangajal, water and honey. Then Pukhraj Ratna must be left in it for half an hour. Finally take it out and wash with normal water. Now the stone is ready to wear. It is auspicious to energize yellow sapphire gemstone by chanting Brihaspati mantra. Or you may also get it energized by pundits.

In which finger Pukhraj stone should be worn?

For maximum benefits astrologers advise natives to wear Yellow Sapphire gemstone in index finger of the right hand. Women can wear it in ring finger of left hand.

What is the best metal to lodge Yellow Sapphire gemstone?

Gold is the metal of Jupiter and thus it is best to embed Pukhraj rashi ratna in gold. Likewise, it could be made in panchdhatu also.

On which day Pukhraj Gemstone should be worn?

Thursday or Brihaspativar is the day dedicated to Jupiter or Guru Planet. Therefore, it is best to wear Yellow Sapphire stone early morning on a Thursday. Moreover, the precise auspicious muhurat could be confirmed from an astrologer.

What is the best time to wear Pukhraj Gemstone?

Pukhraj rashi ratna should be worn early morning between 5 to 7 AM. However, its best to confirm muhurat from an experienced astrologer or pandit.

How to test if Yellow Sapphire Gemstone is authentic?

There are some general criteria to judge if yellow sapphire gemstone is authentic or not. They are –

  • Place the Pukhraj Stone in your hand. If it seems heavy it is authentic.
  • Yellow Sapphire gemstone is smooth. It may slip when placed and pressed between thumb and index finger.
  • A natural Yellow Sapphire reflects yellowish rays when seen in light. If the light is white or brown the stone is fake

Apart from these you can always demand for the authentication certificate from the seller. The certificate is issued by Gem testing lab.

Where to buy Pukhraj Gemstone?

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone is a rare and precious stone. It must be bought from a trusted seller only. These are sold loose on retail outlets of Jewelry shops and showrooms. You can also buy Yellow Sapphire Gemstone online. You need to check if the online seller is a trusted brand. Before buying consult your astrologer about the specifications of the stone. Like weight, category, price range etc.

And you should ask for the Gem Authentication Certificate from the seller. It will detail about the quality, weight and other description about Pukhraj Stone.

What are the benefits of wearing a Yellow Sapphire Gemstone?

Here are some benefits of wearing a Pukhraj rashi ratna.

  • Wearing a Yellow Sapphire stone can bring good fortune and wealth.
  • Native’s decision making capability may increase. He or she may be be more focused.
  • Yellow Sapphire gemstone signifies growth, economically and personally. It is recommended for unmarried males and females who are facing trouble in searching a suitable match.
  • Pukhraj rashi ratna is very beneficial for people who are depressed. It boosts your confidence and helps you be focused in life.
  • Natural Yellow Sapphire Stone is for beneficial for Sagittarius and Pisces zodiac sign natives.
  • Pukhraj Rashi Ratna could be beneficial in stomach related diseases, heart diseases, lung diseases etc.
  • The Yellow Sapphire stone is especially helpful for people involved in teaching profession. It could be religious preachers or teachers.
  • Yellow Sapphire gemstone is recommended for students who lack concentration and suffering academically.
  • Pukhraj Stone is beneficial for people in legal profession also.
  • Planet Jupiter rules over the realm of law and justice, therefore those engaged in legal profession stand to benefit from yellow sapphire.
  • Married natives who are willing to plan family can also benefit from wearing a Pukhraj.

It is always recommended to get your Birth Chart or Kundali examined thoroughly by an experienced Astrologer before wearing Pukhraj Rashi Ratna. It should not be worn without a consultation.

