Anamika Murty
4 min readFeb 5, 2015

11 Terrifying things you should never keep at home- Vastu Shastra tips

Terrifying things you should never keep at home- Vastu Shastra tips

Instead of using Useless designs, use great inspirational designs.

Get insights of shift from Modern Furniture to Traditional Furniture. Vastu shastra is the science of construction. A home constructed and decorated in coherence with vastu brings happiness, health, wealth and good luck. Indian vastu is very much similar to Chinese Feng Shui. It is a Hindu tradition of design to promote harmony with natural forces by incorporating certain factors in our home. There are many old wives tale going around about what things to keep at home and what not. It is a popular belief that if you keep your home and the things in it in coherence with vastu tips then prosperity and happiness will surely be there in your life. But how to decide what things to keep at home and what not? Well here is a list of things that you should not have either in your home.

What not to keep at Home

According to vastu, there are certain things which you should not keep at home. These things bring negative energy and bad luck to you and your home. Here is a list of things you should avoid keeping at your home:

1. War scenes

War scenes from Ramayana and Mahabharata should not be kept at home. Such pictures and paintings depict rivalry among family members.

2. Cactus or thorny plants

You should never plant or keep cactus in your home. Other thorny plants except roses should also be removed.

3. Negativity in Images

Pictures and paintings of trees without fruit or flowers, sinking boats, nudes, fight scenes using swords, hunting scenes, indrajal (magic), captured elephants and images like sad, weeping or crying people should not be hung in the home.

4. Taj Mahal

Any showpiece or image of Taj-Mahal should not be kept at home. It is a grave and symbolize death and passivity. Though people recognize Taj mahal as the epitome of love it is actually the grave of Mumtaz, Shahjahan’s wife. So any such show piece of Taj or its photo should not be kept at home as it symbolises death and passivity. And it is so believed that such things at home affect our lives gravely.

5. Painting or statues of animals

The pictures, painting and statues of animals and birds like pigs, snakes, asses, eagle, owl, bats, vultures, pigeons and crows etc. should be avoided. Vastu recommends not to keep or display a single bird or animal in the couples bedroom. Any image or show piece of a wild animal is not to be kept at home as it depicts wildness in the nature of all things.It brings a violent approach in the nature of people living in the house.

6. Terrifying giants and demons

All pictures, wooden or metal figures of terrifying giants and demons, wild beasts like tigers, wolves, bears, lions, jackals and wild hounds etc. should not be placed in a home.

7. Broken idols or mirror

Do not keep broken glass, broken mirror and broken image or statue of God and Goddess in your home.

8. Image of Mahabharata

You should never keep an image of any of the scenes from Mahabharata in your house. Such things and images symbolises a never ending rivalry among the family members.

9. Nataraja

The image of a cosmic dancer Shiva is to be found in the house of almost every classical dancer. But there are two sides of the same coin. Nataraja symbolises this tremendous art form, at the same time it symbolises destruction. It is so because the dance form is actually ‘tandava nritya’, meaning dance for destruction. So an image or show piece of nataraja is one of things that should not be there in your home.

10. Sinking Boat

This is another image that should never be kept at home. A sinking boat shows a deteriorating nature in the relationships between family members. So if you have one at your house throw it out immediately.

11. Water Fountain

The way you decorate your home says a lot about you. Some water lovers keep amazing water fountains in their house. But according to vastu, no such thing should be there in your home as it signifies the flowing nature of an object. It means that the money and prosperity that comes in your life will not stay for long and will rather disappear with the flow of time.


You may not be knowing the negative affect some things have on you. You may be wondering about the increasing level of negativity in your home despite having so many things like wooden furniture online, according to vastu at it’s place, bed in south, plants in north, idols and many more. Check out the above points on where you were doing wrong.

Which item was there at home previously and now because of Vastu shastra you have thrown it away?