Windswept Bonsai: The Art of Shaping Nature
4 min readFeb 11, 2024


Windswept bonsai is a style of bonsai that makes the tree look like it was shaped by strong winds. A bonsai’s branches are taught to grow in one direction, usually away from the prevailing wind, giving it a striking and dynamic appearance. The rough environments of coastal places, where trees are molded by the continual sea breeze, are generally linked with this form of bonsai.

What is Windswept Bonsai?

Windswept Bonsai is a type of bonsai that resembles the appearance of trees carved by the wind. The limbs of a bonsai tree are taught to grow in one direction, often away from the prevailing wind, to create a distinctive and eye-catching look.

The windswept look is frequently linked with trees that grow in tough conditions, such as coastal or mountainous locations, where the wind has a considerable influence on their growth. Windswept bonsai are a popular option among bonsai lovers all over the world due to their beauty and dynamic look.

History and Origins of Windswept Bonsai

In Japan, where the discipline of bonsai has been used for many years, windswept bonsai has its origins. A type of artistic expression, bonsai was originally developed to care for plants in restricted spaces.

The windswept style emerged as a way to capture the beauty and drama of nature. It took its cues from trees that flourish in arid environments like mountainous or coastal regions, where the wind shapes them. By mimicking the appearance of these trees, bonsai artists could create miniature versions of nature that were both beautiful and powerful.

Over time, windswept bonsai has become popular around the world, and many bonsai enthusiasts have developed their own unique styles and techniques. Some have even adapted the windswept style to suit the local environment, creating bonsai that resemble trees growing in their own region.

Windswept bonsai are prized today for their beauty and their capacity to inspire surprise and wonder in those who view them. It is evidence of the strength of nature and the artistry of bonsai, who can condense it into miniature form.

Types of Windswept Bonsai

There are various types of windswept bonsai, and each has its own unique characteristics. Here are some of the most popular types:

Moyogi-style windswept bonsai: This style features a trunk that is slightly curved, with branches that are trained to grow in one direction, typically away from the prevailing wind. The result is a tree that appears to be leaning slightly in one direction.

Fukinagashi-style windswept bonsai: This style features a trunk that is curved dramatically, with branches that are trained to grow in the same direction as the curve. The result is a tree that appears to be bending in the wind.

Han-Kengai-style windswept bonsai: This style features a trunk that is trained to grow horizontally, with branches that are trained to grow downward. The result is a tree that appears to be growing on the side of a cliff, with its branches reaching towards the ground.

Ishitsuki-style windswept bonsai: This design portrays a tree that has grown on a rock or a piece of driftwood. The tree is trained to grow in a windswept pattern, with its limbs growing in one direction, away from the wind.

Netsuranari-style windswept bonsai: This style features a tree with multiple trunks that are trained to grow in a windswept style. The trunks are arranged in a way that creates a sense of movement and dynamism, as if the tree is being buffeted by the wind.

Windswept bonsai have their own distinct beauty and charm, and bonsai lovers frequently select a style depending on their particular preferences and the setting in which they intend to show their tree.

How to Grow a Windswept Bonsai

Growing a windswept bonsai can be both rewarding and difficult, as it requires meticulous attention to the tree’s health and physical form. Here are a few suggestions for cultivating a windswept bonsai:

  • Choose the right tree: Consider planting juniper, pine, or cedar, which are commonly found in windswept environments. These trees are more likely to develop the contorted and drooping qualities that characterize the windswept style.
  • Start with a young tree: It is easier to shape a young tree into the windswept style than to try to force an older tree into the desired shape. Look for a young tree with a straight trunk and minimal branching.
  • Prune and wire carefully: Pruning and wiring are key techniques for shaping a windswept bonsai. Be careful not to prune or wire too aggressively, as this can damage the tree’s health. Instead, make small adjustments over time to gradually shape the tree into the desired form.
  • Consider the environment: A windswept bonsai needs to be grown in an environment that mimics the harsh conditions of its natural habitat. This means providing plenty of sun, wind, and good drainage. Read More:

