The Ultimate Guide on Why and How to #RemoveBannon from the White House

Anam Nguyen
4 min readNov 15, 2016


Who is Stephen Bannon and why should everyone be worried about his new position?

Bannon was chosen as Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to the president-elect. He is the former Chief of Breitbart News, an “alt-right” (rebranded white supremacist) platform. He has been denounced for several reasons, including his white supremacist agenda, from leaders across the political spectrum. Read why the agenda he publicly supports is dangerous for the American democracy and national safety:

Stephen Bannon and Breitbart News, in Their Words” (read in incognito mode, if prompted to log in.)

“How Bannon flattered and coaxed Trump on policies key to the alt-right”

Neo-nazis/white nationalists see him as a key figure to enact a white nationalistic agenda in the White House, David Duke, former Ku Klux Klan leader said.

Glenn Beck denounces Bannon.

Why should it be our priority to #RemoveBannon?

No matter whether you voted Republican, Democrat or Third Party, we can all agree that anti-democratic white supremacism has no business in the White House. Here are 4 reasons we should and can #RemoveBannon.

4 Steps to #RemoveBannon:

If you have 30 minutes to follow the 4 steps in this guide you can help #RemoveBannon from the White House. Don’t stop here though, share this and inspire others to flood the lines of their Representatives.

  1. SIGN the Southern Poverty Law Center’s petition here:

2. CALL your Congress members and urge them to take a stand against Bannon. Read an article about why we are urging Congress and why it will work here. Don’t send emails or letters because they get ignored. Here’s valuable advice on “how to make your Congressman listen to you”.

WHO to call
Find Senators’ numbers here and House Representatives’ numbers here.

HOW to call if it’s your first time and you don’t know what to say:

If you’re a Democrat - Your SCRIPT for your call to Democratic Senators and Representatives (except for Harry Reid and Adam Schiff, CA, who have denounced the Bannon appointment):

Hello, my name is _____. I am a constituent, living in (address, district). I am horrified at the news of Trump appointing Steve Bannon, a white supremacist, as one of his closest advisors.
Does (legislator’s name) agree with Harry Reid that Bannon’s appointment sends a dangerous signal that white supremacists “will be represented at the highest levels” in Trump’s administration?
I am frightened by this (as a woman, as a Jewish person, as a Muslim person, as a black person, etc., if applicable) and I am asking (legislator’s name) to speak out against this appointment immediately, to make it clear that this is not acceptable. Can (legislator’s name) commit to standing with Harry Reid and speaking out publicly?”

If you’re a Republican - Your SCRIPT for your call to Republican Senators and Representatives:

Hello, my name is _____. I am a constituent, living in (address, district). I am horrified at the news of Trump appointing Steve Bannon, a white supremacist, as one of his closest advisors.
How does (legislator’s name) feel about this appointment? Does this appointment represent his/her views? I am frightened by this (as a woman, as a Jewish person, as a Muslim person, as a black person, as a decent human being, etc., if applicable) and I am asking (legislator’s name) to speak out against this appointment immediately, to make it clear that this is not OK with Republicans. I believe that Bannon’s appointment sends a dangerous signal that white supremacists “will be represented at the highest levels” in Trump’s administration. Can (legislator’s name) commit to speaking out publicly against this appointment?”

3. Call Harry Reid and Adam Schiff’s offices to thank them for speaking out against Bannon’s appointment. They need to know that they have national support on this and that we value their bravery and moral fortitude. Harry Reid: 202–224–3542. Adam Schiff: (202) 225–4176

4. Call Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s office and demand that he denounce Bannon’s appointment, using the Republican script above without stating that you are a constituent (unless you are). Paul Ryan: (202) 225–3031 x6. If he’s no longer taking voicemails, you can email him here:

Further things you can do beyond the 30min 4-step guide above:

5. Where protests are ongoing, make this the focus, with signs, chants, etc.
6. Let’s get religious groups on board; maybe even mainstream business groups, like the Chamber of Commerce (202–659–6000). Ask your local religious group to denounce Bannon and share the information.
7. Contact other people of influence — College presidents, high-profile coaches and anyone else who has a public megaphone.
We can do this. #RemoveBannon
8. Print flyers with these steps and share widely on social media using the hashtag.



Anam Nguyen

I’m passionate about blockchain & other things that will change the world.