DEEP CLOUD AI Base platform makes a great difference.

3 min readNov 27, 2018


In the previous article, I talked about DEEP’s large-scale ICO technology and ecosystem, and this article is the foundation and development team and DEEP partners.

Foundation Basic.

On-Chain: DeepCloud AI will be running on the blockchain Ethereum for payment, security, KYC and operating operations (Master Nodes / AI Controller). In the future, they plan to switch to a faster blockchain like Icon or NEO. For microtransactions, DeepCloud AI will develop its own DAG to conduct microtransactions to serve IoT applications, games, and more. BlockClass based on DeepCloud AI's DAG will provide support for speedy identification at zero cost, which makes micro-payments easier to handle. All transactions will be made on the blockchain invariant with full access through smart contracts.

Off-Chain: Network users, application providers, and network resource providers will operate off-chain. A consensus is achieved through a membership protocol controlled by the host nodes and proof of service to meet user Dapps, services, and node configurations. Because the nodes are allowed to detect each other, it disseminates information quickly and maintains a consistent view of the nodes in the application cluster.

DeepCloud AI Platform

AI Platform DeepCloud is a non-centralized IaaS cloud service provider with the following services:

DeepCloud AI’s core platform controller manages resources and has AI Matching tools to match network resource providers and application developers. Meanwhile, the developer community of DeepCloud AI provides open source tools for IoT and DApp developers. Some of these tools are provided by DeepCloud AI, other tools will be broader community contributions.

The DEEP market responds to everything that investors are interested in, this is a great point in my eyes. See the picture below.

Like Golem, SONM and iExec, DeepCloud AI shares the same vision of the future of decentralized cloud computing; However, the AI ​​aspect of resource allocation technology is appropriately suited to vendors and application developers.

Team DEV and Partners.

Both the team and the mentors have the experience needed to provide a quality product. They are not academics who implement a research-based solution in which experts have worked and deployed new technologies in large corporations.

The partners announced are not the best partners. However, DeepCloud AI is an early project and has established more cooperative relationships under the site.

Technically, Deepcloud AI has a good idea but is not a new multi-purpose solution, so it has many competitors like Storj, iXec, Golem, and SONM — previous projects have come out similar. No, it’s not a chance, because if the opportunity is clearly seen, it’s not a chance, consider it. Good Luck.

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