3 Amazing Ways to Being More Productive at Work

Anand Mishra
4 min readFeb 9, 2019


Being More Productive at Work may seem simple, and it perhaps even is, but it can be extremely challenging to be consistently productive, all of the time.

However, at work, the only way to be an outstanding employee and have a good work and life balance are to be consistently productive. So, instead of making you learn some quick productivity tips that may only get you results that last for a short while, we will be walking you through three highly effective ways that allow you to be consistently productive.

1. Use Apps that Help You Keep a Track of Your Time

Although many think they are aware of how much time they approximately spend on each task they work on or every activity that may have become a part of their day at work, they often are not. And even the rare few times when they do manage to list down all the things that took up a significant amount of their time, they are usually way off with their estimates of how much time they spent on them each.

This is especially true when it comes to little things that you think you only spend a few minutes on, but something that can add up really quickly if there are many of them.

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There are now more than a few apps that keep a track of your activities when you’re at work (or even at home for that matter) such as Rescue Time and give you very accurately, detailed information about how you spend your time.

It then gets way easier to cut down on things that don’t deserve as much of your time as you tend to spend on them, leaving you with more time for other, more important tasks. This is really quite a productivity hack that’s certainly going to come in handy if you’re struggling to manage your time properly at work.

2. The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique has emerged as one of the most effective ways to increases productivity as well as improve efficiency at work. It’s basically based on the concept of breaking down your entire work into 25-minute sessions and having short breaks between every two sessions.

This technique was first introduced to the world in 9180 by Francesco Cirillo and has been adopted by many productivity tools and software since then.

Here’s a step by step overview of the Pomodoro Technique:

  • Choose a task you will be working on during your Pomodoro session
  • Set the timer for 25 minutes (some people may choose to go with a different time length but the Pomodoro suggests 25 minutes)
  • Start working on the task
  • When the timer rings, stop working and make a checkmark on a paper
  • Take a short break of 3 to 5 minutes, unless you have gotten to four checkmarks
  • Then go back to the second step, and repeat until you have four checkmarks on the piece of paper you’re using for this technique
  • You can then take a long break of 15 to 30 minutes
  • Then go back to step one and start it all over again

Without going into too many technical details, this technique seems to be working wonders at allowing you to work in a focused way as well as offering enough incentive to the mind to not let distractions get in the way during the 25 minutes productive work sessions.

3. Follow the Two-Minute Rule

The two-minute rule is not as effective as the Pomodoro Technique, but it can help keep things organized and easily knock out the quick tasks so that you’re only left with the more important, demanding tasks.

Basically, this rule says that if there’s a task that you can do in two minutes or less, do it immediately instead of leaving it for later. When you work on a few such tasks successfully, it automatically boosts your confidence and desire to work on the more important tasks, and you find yourself being much more productive while working on them than you otherwise would be had those short tasks been still on your to-do list.

4. Let Go Of Your Obsession for Perfection

Far too many people try to live with the illusion that they can perform every task to perfection. They fail to realize this is the reason they are far from productive and are often also very inefficient.

Perfection hardly ever exists in a practical scenario, especially at work when you’re working with strict deadlines. So perhaps your best bet would just be to perform the task to the best of your ability and get to the next one.

Of course, you can always go back to it and make some required changes if needed before submitting it, but it’s always a better idea to get it done first.



Anand Mishra

CEO of Star Infranet and founder of its parent company Tathastu Information Technology, Anand Mishra is a well-known name in IT industry. https://goo.gl/Px71Ub