Agile Mindset is “Growth Mindset” catalysed with “Servant Leader” principles | Agile Story 36

Ananda Sen
3 min readJun 26, 2023

To explain the above concept first we need to understand what a growth mindset is and how it is different from fixed mindset.

Someone with a growth mindset views intelligence, abilities, and talents as learnable and capable of improvement through effort. On the other hand, someone with a fixed mindset views those same traits as inherently stable and unchangeable over time.

For example, Fixed Mindset: I’m either good at something or I’m not. Growth Mindset: I can improve my skills with effort and practice. A person with Growth mindset will see challenges as opportunity, they welcome changes, but a fixed mindset will be sceptical to accept changes and see challenges as threat. The picture here is a typical example of different scenarios and how a person with Growth or Fixed mindset will react to those situations.

Agile way of working encourages and embraces growth mindset. Few may have that in them and for few they may have to develop it. And that is exactly where the Scrum Master should wear his servant leadership hat to coach and groom the team to get acquainted and develop the growth mindset. Yes, it doesn’t happen overnight but as we become more and more mature with assessments, grooming, teaching and coaching, slowly we can see the shift toward the expected growth mindset and once we have that we will see the team is in “Performing” state.

To achieve this, Servant leadership plays a catalyst role because it follows the leadership philosophy mainly by demonstrating the below characteristics -

ü Encourage diversity of thought. Diversity encompasses a multitude of traits.

ü Create a culture of trust. Trust is one of the hardest things to regain once it’s broken.

ü Have an unselfish mindset. It’s not about you.

ü Foster leadership in others.

So, to conclude, be a Leader and help others develop the Growth Mindset.

#letscreate2succeed #teamHCM #manage2succeed #growth #IBMConsulting #agile

This is the continuation of sharing our Agile Stories/Thoughts Series. I strongly recommend referring to the links below for previous insightful blogs from our #teamagile in IBM.

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are my own and don’t reflect company’s opinion. They should not be considered as an advice or suggestion in any way.

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