Anand Techverce LLP
3 min readOct 4, 2018


Create your own Reality Distortion Field (RDF)

Having coined by Apple employee Bud Tribble to describe former Apple Inc. co-founder, CEO and Chairman Steve Jobs’ ability to encourage his team to finish any delegated task, The RDF is a phenomenon by which one makes people believe in the possibility of achieving very difficult tasks through his intellectual abilities, persuasion skills, and persistence.

Make your customer believe in such a way that a difficult or impossible task will appear possible, or even easy. The primary objective of this technique is to inspire employees and motivate them to tackle challenging situations in pursuit of an objective or goal.

Tap into customers emotions

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

Going with her lines, how will that customer feel when they walk away from you? Is the question right now. The way you treat your customer is the way your business grows. Simply one cannot rate a five star to your brand without being aware of what your brand is and how you cope with the customer. Here, tapping into customers emotion is the most important to get a reach.

Grab media coverage

I may not dig deep into these kinds of stuff since you’ll be aware how viral a shocking statement from one’s slip tongue can spread. As a matter of fact, a normal or a traditional statement fails to grab sufficient audience. Using fired statements often to describe what you are going to do, in what aspect your brand will help individual will definitely boost you up.

People always prefer to be updated no matter where they are. Once their eye gets stock-still at the things you update, they push up themselves to visit you the next time. You may think this to be normal, but the taste of this fruit will be imbibed only at reality.

Social interactions

Having contents in hand does not make you fly to the top, rather it needs a medium through which it communicates, The Social Media. Even then, one does not easily grasp the audience on social media. The key point here is the interaction. The manners in which you (i.e) your brand interacts with the crowd make people think either to reach you or to fly away from you.

One does not simply ignore a blog with a humor. A creative humorous content obviously shares a viral message. Explaining your brand’s vision in this way will undoubtedly hike traffic.

…and who did this?

‘You must go forth into the world, with passion, courage in your conviction, and most importantly be true to yourself. I did it!’ — Donald Trump


All these great Digital Marketing principles were deeply pre-owned by American President Donald Trump to lift his career 1000 steps up. Apply to yours too!