Anangsha Alammyan
Anangsha Alammyan

Hi, I'm Anangsha from India. I have a Master's Degree in Civil Engineering, but I quit my job and Ph.D. in 2021 to become a full-time writer. Since then, I have-

- Mentored writers from all over the world to best leverage their skills and live a fulfilled life. If you'd like to join me on this journey towards writing your way to the dream life, check out my (free) 5-day course on how to best catalyze your writing skills.

- Helped 2,700+ writers through my video directory where I share my journey and guide writers on how they can design the life of their dreams by writing about exactly what they want.

- Made it possible for 20+ writers from 8 countries to leverage Medium the best way (and maybe make something on the side) by writing on Medium through my flagship Project Medium.

- Built Be Your Best Friend with Anangsha which talks about self-love, mindful productivity, and the importance of dreaming big without compromising on yourself. It arrives straight in your inbox every weekend. Join 1,800+ other readers and sign up for free today.

- Grown my professional community to 13,000+ by writing a new insight every day about writing, freelancing, and what it means to be a woman in today's digital world.

- I've also published 2 books. My first book, Stolen Reflections was recommended by Priyanka Chopra on her list of "Must-read books by female authors" on International Women's Day 2021. My second book, cybercrime thriller What Did Tashi Do? sold 10,000+ copies and went on to secure a traditional publishing deal.

I write for a few amazing companies and coach writers so they can dare to dream beyond the ordinary and chase big goals. I'm open to taking up projects and challenges that fulfill me. If you have something that fits the bill, I'm open to gigs. Send me an email at:

Connect with Anangsha Alammyan
Anangsha Alammyan

Anangsha Alammyan


Book Author

Writer. Entrepreneur. Cybersecurity Advocate. Pole Dancer. DM: YouTube: