When in Rome, Do It As The Romans? Ethical Dilemmas of International Businesses in an Intercultural Setting.

Anani Song
3 min readDec 7, 2019
Photo Credit: Fauxels sourced from Pexels

“It is easy to misunderstand and abuse the role of culture” — Francis Fukuyama.

Culture is a sensible procedure that provides plots for individuals within a designated group or nation to think, rationale, respond and interact. As civilization becomes more internationally connected, the potential to communicate across cultural parameters has attained greater importance. Often times, business deals were shut off or conflicts arise due to the lack of understanding between intercultural. Businesses regardless of sizes are required to grasp on the idea of how to deal with personnel and clients from varying cultures in order to achieve the firm’s goal and create value for stakeholders.

By understanding cultural heterogeneity, individuals are able to show mutual respects and this automatically reduces frictions when communicating or negotiating. Conversely, a fiasco of cross-cultural communication in an international business can lead to conflicts, failed negotiations, and administration exasperation; all of which would kill the business relationships. While communication happens when two or more people exchanged and acknowledged information with the objective to stimulate or impact behavior; Negotiations are much more complex than this…



Anani Song

An avid autodidact and serial tech junkie.