Setup MongoDB Replication under 2 minutes

Anant Kumar
2 min readJul 5, 2022


This guide is in continuation of MongoDB Replication: A complete installation guide where I explained how MongoDB replica set works and its step by step installation. You can visit the below link if you want to understand all steps:

Here, we are going to run simple scripts to setup our MongoDB replica set which will:

  • Install MongoDB
  • Create admin user
  • Create keyfile for security purposes
  • edit mongo config file

Launch 3 AWS EC2 instances. I have launched Ubuntu instances for our replica set.

On primary node:

sh DNS-address/Internal-IP replica-set-name

Note: Change password of admin user in script in line 22

On secondary nodes:

sh DNS-address/Internal-IP replica-set-name

Copy contents of /opt/mongo-keyfile file from primary node to secondary nodes and restart mongod service:

systemctl restart mongod

Start Replication and Add Members

connect to the Mongo with the admin user:

mongo -u admin -p --authenticationDatabase admin

Initiate the replica set:


add second and third nodes as a member:

rs.add("node-ip-address/DNS address")

Check the status of all nodes:


Replica set is ready to serve mongoDB. You can connect to it either by URI or MongoDB compass.

MongoDB Basic Commands

Create user:

user: "test",
pwd: "test123",
roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "test" } ]

Update user:

db.updateUser( "test",
roles : ["clusterMonitor"]

Delete user:


Create Collection in a database:


Comment if you have any queries. Stay tuned for more updates.

