how to make $ 5000 monthfrom ysense(clicksense)?+while sleeping +(earnings proof )

Anant bad boy
7 min readMay 3, 2020


Ysense is online earnings websites where people earn more money from the online .

In this small article we are going to discuss how to make money online from ysense without any investment.

Now ,you know that we called

clicksense changed ysense .

Because this is one name similar brand .

In this article I teach you how to make $5000 dollars per month from the ysense .

if you follow my simple advice and tips for ysense then you can easily successful to make money online.

If you search on Google related to ysense on Google you will see thousand of people are making tons of dollar form this websites.

In this articles, I am going to try to share some valuable tips and trick which actually works on this website

Just read and apply same stretgy to get results fastly…

Firstly, you need to join for the ysense to make thousand of dollars monthly.

Follow this simple step to join ysense/clicksense.

#How to join the ysence.

➡Step_1) (( Click here to sign up ysence)) click it.

Step -2) you need to entered the email and password click on join now


Step-3) you will get email from the ysence to confirm .then you. click it .and active you earnings account and start your online earnings .


Step-4) completing your good profile with good photos .
( For demo )

This are some way to join ysense but it’s very easy to join it .

You have to make a good profile on ysence . Then you have to entered your details in the form.

Let’s go ahead the another important question

#How to earn from y-sence( clicksense)

➡It has provided the different options to earnings money from this beautiful websites .This is my favourite websites to earn money online .

Type of survey 💘💘

1: get ysense paid survey

➡This is the best way to earnings from this site .then we simply click on paid survey .then you have to complete the survey and earn $ 4 to $5 on daily basis.

Survey are very easy to completeing .You can spend online 2 to 3 minutes for each survey .

(Pro trick .).

you can login multiple times in y-senc account in a single day .it will always helps you To get more survey and more money 👍👍

This tips is extremely important helpful for you .

2)get ysense cash offer

➡This is the best WAY to earn money from the y-sence.simply you make money from the the 1)download app,

2)signup from different websites, and

3)watch video . Different

You wil get the 5 cents to 50 cents per activities .Make sure you can do this .

3)figures eight task

This is the unique way to earnings from the y-sence .simply you completely your task .then you will got the 2cents to 50 cents.

4) ysense affiliate income or refer income

➡This is my best way to earn this site. Specifically for me and this is my favourite way to make money from ysense .

Simply .

.if you refer someone's person yoi wil get life time income or commission.

Means you get 30% commission lifetime on their person earnings .

my mainly revenue are came from the referring people to people from promoting the affiliates link .

I referring 10,000 people and I earn $5000 from it .

This is power of referring people .

If you start your first online earnings you should signup in ysense and refer more people .

There are two types of ysenseReferal💚

1)signup commission

... simply ,if some signup on your link the you will get $1

Pro tips : you should focus on the gain the signup commission.

For example if you referring almost 1000 to 2000 people then you will got the $2000 dollars .

This is not more number .it’s very easy to referring people you can do this very easily .

' 2)activities commission

This way is great .to make money.

This is my favourite way to make money from this beautiful platform .

My personal tricks is that referring more people and earn more money 🙌

Let understand #trick

.for example==( if you refer 2000 people and their income is the $40000 per month .then you will get 20% commission means you got $2000 per month.)

2000is not big referring number .You can easily make it . I do this and hope you can do this easily .

Remember :

More referring !more earnings this is tricks to successful in this ysense.

This is the best trick which you have to got more money


If you refer 4000 people and their income is $ 60000 then you got $ 3000 per month + not doing any type of work .

#How to promote affiliate links ?

➡The answer is simple..don’t go anywhere .you promote your affiliate links on Facebook ,


Facebook is the king all social media .

this is great way to promote your referring link to your friends and family members .I join many Facebook group . I refer more people through it.

2) quora :

This is the question and answer platform where people are giving answers to related question .

You can go on quora and giving more questions answered and. Embedded your special affiliate / referring link .

I follow this great technic to grow my referring earnings .

It give me best results .I hope you can use this great method to increase your earnings through ysense .

3)Twitter :

this is the best platforms to promote your referring link .You need to open a Twitter account and simple tweet related to ysense .You got good conversion rate of referring through the Twitter .


:this is another good platform to referring people to promote your special affiliate links .You can add affiliate links in your discretion bio . Many people are click on it .and join it.

5) joining your family members and relative .

You need to giving more information about ysense .You should referring to your brother ,sister , wife and others relative .

6) whatsapp

This is my favourite and loved platform where you can share your referring link and earn more money it .

ThIs are some basis way to promote you links to earn more.

Quick notes ::

(➡You can promote through your affiliate links on the personal Facebook account , and Facebook group

➡Second way to promote your affiliate links is the whatsapp .it is very best platform where you can earn money from referring people .

➡Third way to promote affiliate link is the imstgram .

➡You can easily promote affiliate link in instgram bio .This is place where people promote their link .

➡Make blog this is very great way to promote your .Google send the traffic to your website)

This are some important way to promote your affiliate links .

But don’t promote spamming links .

Here you should understand the how to join the ysense..

I hope you will love this beautiful article ….

(Honestly) ysense Reviews :::

Y sense is one of the greatest earnings platform where many people are earn a lot of money .

If you start today to join in ysense I assure you you should be make money online at home .

I join ysense sinse last 2 years but first 2 months not I earn money .But after completing 2 months I able to make $300–500 per month .

If you start your online earnings now make sure you signup .

Today I earn a lot of money from it .

If you join today it not make money on tomorrow .it takes time 2 month .

It will take time make money .

Best trick ::

  • Make a network
  • Completing more and more paid survey ..

If you join more and more people through this ysense program you should make more money from it.

This are some simple tips to earn money from the one of great platform.

Quick notes

  1. Focusing on Completing survey program .
  2. My mostly revenue are coming through referring .Hence you should focus on this referring .
  3. You should focus on. Completing more survey and referring at least 5 months .
  4. Then you should make money in this platform .
  5. Take more survey gain more money !!!

I hope you should understand this beautiful article on ysense .Make sure you can also share it .Because no one can tell the personal tricks how to earn money from ysense .

But I tell briefly secrete method of earnings .

If you like the this short but beautiful guide you can share it on the social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and pintrest.

If you follow this secrets stretgy you can easily make $500 to $1000 in your first 2 month.

Don’t just read take action now💯💯

Thanks for reading ❤❤✌

Best of luck guy’s 🔥🔥😎🙃🙂



Anant bad boy

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