
Ananthakumar Vishnurathan
6 min readJan 25, 2023


1.What is leadership?

*Leadership is the ability to guide, motivate, and direct individuals or groups towards a common goal or vision. It involves the use of influence, communication, and decision-making skills to achieve desired outcomes. Effective leadership can help to create a positive and productive work environment, and can also be critical for achieving success in business, politics, and other areas.

2.Theory of leadership

#There are many theories of leadership, each with its own unique perspective on what makes a leader effective. Some of the most widely-studied and influential theories include:

•Trait theory: This theory suggests that leaders possess certain innate characteristics or traits that make them effective. Traits such as confidence, intelligence, and extroversion are often cited as important for leadership.

•Behavioral theory: This theory focuses on the actions and behaviors of leaders, rather than their inherent traits. It suggests that effective leaders exhibit specific behaviors, such as being task-oriented or people-oriented, that lead to positive outcomes.

•Situational theory: This theory holds that different leadership styles and strategies are appropriate in different situations. Effective leaders are able to adapt their style to meet the needs of the situation.

•Transformational theory: This theory emphasizes the importance of inspiring and motivating followers to achieve a shared vision. Transformational leaders are seen as charismatic and visionary, and are able to inspire others to work towards a common goal.

•Servant leadership theory: This theory suggests that the most effective leaders are those who put the needs of their followers first, and who serve as a servant to the people they lead.

•Authentic leadership theory: This theory emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and integrity in leadership. Authentic leaders are aware of their own values and beliefs, and they lead in a way that is true to themselves.

∆These are some of the most prominent theories of leadership, however, there are many more theories that exist, and most modern leadership theories are an integration of multiple theories.

3.Leadership styles


Leaders demand immediate compliance.


Leaders mobilize people toward a vision.


Leaders create emotional bonds and harmony.


Leaders build consensus through participation.


Leaders expect excellence and self-direction.


Leaders develop people for the future.

•Bureaucratic leadership ,

Whose leaders focus on following every rule.

•Charismatic leadership ,

In which leaders Inspire enthusiasm in their teams and are energetic in motivating others to move forward.

•Servant leadership ,

Whose leaders focus on meeting the needs of the team.

•Transactional leadership ,

In which leaders Inspire by expecting the best from everyone and themselves.

4.Qualities of leadership

•Leadership qualities include the ability to communicate effectively, the ability to inspire and motivate others, the ability to make difficult decisions, the ability to think strategically, the ability to build and maintain relationships, integrity, emotional intelligence, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Additionally, a good leader should have a clear vision and be able to work towards achieving it, and should be able to inspire trust and confidence in those they lead.

The great Example the leadership

∆The 7 Life and Leaderships Lessons we can Learn from Geese bird.

1.Geese fly together, they share a common goal and direction.

•Geese fly in a perfect V formation. Studies have shown that flying in this way and using this kind of “teamwork” adds 71% more flying range for the geese than if they flew on their own. This is because as each bird flaps its wings, it creates and ‘uplift’ that reduces air friction for the birds that follow.
#The lesson – people who share a common goal and direction can get where they are going much faster and much more efficiently, because they benefit from the momentum of the group.

2.Geese stay in formation

•Whenever a goose falls out of formation it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone, and quickly tries to get back in formation. The formation not only makes it easier for the birds to fly, but it increases a flocks overall visibility too as well as their power to be seen.
#The lesson – once you’ve established a good team, stay together and work together. Synergy cannot be created by a single person working in isolation, so it is important to stick together. A sense of community emerges from a willingness to work together as a team. Not only is it more efficient – but together you have better visibility of your surroundings and common goals.

3.Geese rotate roles, they encourage the leader and empower others to lead.

•For the lead goose in the formation, ‘drag’ is high. When the lead goose in the formation tires, it rotates back into the formation and another goose takes its place. The lead goose then immediately feels the advantage of lifting power from the bird immediately in front of it.
#The lesson – it is important to share the load amongst team members. We should not only be able to admit when help is needed, but we should also work to empower those arounds us to take the lead too. Everyone has different skills and capabilities and sharing the load gives others a chance to shine. Expecting one person to take on all the work is unrealistic, people work better when interdependent with one another.

4.Geese are noisy birds, they recognise and support each other.

•There are a number of theories as to why geese honk between them, one is that they honk to encourage each other. Another theory is that the honking is used to communicate where each goose is in the formation.
#The lesson – In groups where there is encouragement, the productivity is greater. In a fast-paced working environment, remembering to provide recognition and encouragement towards each other (including the leaders) is vital to keep teams motivated and achieving their goals.

5.Leave no Goose behind, they stand by their flock in good times and bad

•When a goose gets sick or wounded, two other geese drop out of formation and then follow it down to help and protect it. They stay with the goose until it dies or is able to fly again. Then they launch back up with another formation or catch up with their flock.
#The lesson – stand by each other in difficult times. It’s easy to always be part of winning teams, but when things get difficult and people are facing challenges, that is when your relevance as a teammate comes to the fore.

6.Geese maintain priorities, they stay committed to the team, their core values and purpose

•The geese migration routes do not vary. They use the same route year after year, even when flock members change.
#The lesson – stay true to your teams core values and purpose. Strategies, tactics and products may change in order for the organisation to remain agile, but great teams always stick to their core values and preserve them with pride.

7.Geese are disruptive

•Geese often seem unflustered as they meander along the side of a busy road, however, they are most likely uncomfortable about being surrounded by large and noisy vehicles.
#The lesson – disruption means getting a bit uncomfortable. Those who disrupt challenge themselves by setting and achieving goals, they come out of their comfort zone and stretch themselves to think differently.

&Conclusion leadership .

Leadership is a complex and multi-faceted concept that can have a significant impact on individuals and organizations. Effective leadership can lead to positive outcomes such as increased productivity, improved morale, and greater success in achieving goals. Different leadership styles and approaches can be effective in different situations, and the characteristics and qualities that define a good leader can vary depending on the context. Women are underrepresented in leadership positions and face barriers to advancement, but research has shown that having women in leadership positions can bring a diverse perspective and approach to decision-making, and serve as role models for other women. Strategies to support and promote women's leadership include diversity and inclusion initiatives, mentoring programs, and policies such as flexible work arrangements.

