[Email Templates] Reaching out to Recruiters

Anant Agrawal
3 min readMar 21, 2019


Here are some tried and true emails that have helped several students at CMU get interviews.

Template for Warm Introduction: This is a real email I have sent a friend who was awesome enough to help refer me helping to guide how he could help refer me:

Message: “


Just wanted to send out this sample email to just give you an idea of what I think a standard email looks like in this situation:

“Hi [Recruiter Name],

This is FRIEND NAME, the developer relations intern you worked with over the summer. I was just reaching out because a good friend of mine, Anant Agrawal, reached out to me indicating he was interested in the Product Management Intern position opening (https://corp.roblox.com/jobs/?gh_jid=1290147) at Roblox. He is currently studying Information Systems and Statistics at Carnegie Mellon University and worked at HubSpot last year as a Product Marketing Management Intern. We had a good chat about the company and I think he is a good fit, so I was hoping to connect you to each other. Would you mind if I connected him to you?



Then, if the recruiter seems fine with it, maybe then send an email to both of us being like yo, just wanted to connect you guys.

Again, this is mostly just what the process looks like in my head.

Let me know what you think and really appreciate all the help!

Template for Lukewarm Introduction (You’ve met the recruiter)

Subject: CMU Career Fair Follow-Up — Product Manager Intern Application Sent


Hi [Recruiter Name],

My name is Anant Agrawal and I am a junior Information Systems major at Carnegie Mellon University. We met at the TOC Career Fair a few months ago.

I recently ran into the Product Management Internship position at Asana and got really excited as I think I’m a great fit for it. I have already applied online and was hoping to get in touch with the recruiter as I had a few questions and wanted to express my keen interest in the position. I’ve attached my resume and Linkedin profile only because I know we met a long time ago and I thought there might be a tiny chance my profile picture or resume might look familiar. Could you help me get in contact? I would really appreciate the help.




Be sure to attach your resume.

Template for Cold Introduction

Message: Product Management Internship Application Follow Up


My name is NAME and I am a junior at Carnegie Mellon University studying Information Systems and Statistics with a minor in Business Administration.

I recently ran into the Product Management Internship position at OpenTable and got really excited about the position as I have loved using OpenTable when I travel and I feel confident that my background makes me a great fit for this position. I am reaching out because I was unable to find a general email to reach out to and saw on LinkedIn that you were a recruiter for OpenTable in the San Francisco office.

I apologize for the intrusion, but I would really appreciate if you could connect me to the appropriate recruiter for the position as I wanted to express my keen interest in the position as well as better understand the OpenTable timeline as I am a little pressed for time with only 2–3 weeks before I finish the hiring process with other internship opportunities.



(P.S. I’ve attached my resume and Linkedin profile just in the hopes that it might help find my application)

