gRPC vs HTTP: Discover the More Efficient Protocol Today

Ananya Balehithlu
7 min readSep 12, 2024


gRPC VS HTTP: Which protocol is more efficient?

Let’s talk about something that we all face during development: API Testing with Postman for your Development Team.

Yeah, I’ve heard of it as well, Postman is getting worse year by year, but, you are working as a team and you need some collaboration tools for your development process, right? So you paid Postman Enterprise for…. $49/month.

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gRPC VS HTTP: Which Protocol is More Efficient?

Understanding gRPC and HTTP

Before delving into the comparative efficiency of gRPC and HTTP, it is essential to recognize what these protocols are and how they operate within network communication.

1. What is HTTP?

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the foundation of data communication on the World Wide Web. It operates primarily over TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) and utilizes a request-response model. In this architecture, clients send requests to servers, which then respond accordingly. The protocol has evolved with numerous version updates, with HTTP/1.1 widely used for many web applications and HTTP/2 introducing multiplexing and header compression to enhance performance.

Example of HTTP Communication:

GET /api/user HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

The server then responds with status codes, headers, and the body, which could be structured data such as JSON or HTML.

2. What is gRPC?

gRPC (gRPC Remote Procedure Call) is a modern RPC framework developed by Google that allows for high-performance communication between distributed systems. It uses HTTP/2 as its transport protocol, enabling features such as bi-directional streaming, multiplexing, and efficient serialization via Protocol Buffers (Protobuf), which drastically reduces payload size and improves overall communication efficiency.

Example of gRPC Communication:

service UserService {
rpc GetUser (UserRequest) returns (UserResponse);

Here, a method GetUser is defined within the UserService, allowing remote calls to retrieve user data seamlessly.

Comparing Underlying Protocols

Efficiency in Serialization

A fundamental aspect that differentiates gRPC from HTTP/1.1 is the serialization mechanism. gRPC employs Protocol Buffers, a language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism, to encode and decode messages. This requires less bandwidth than JSON, which is commonly used in HTTP payloads.

Example Comparison:

  • HTTP Payload (JSON):
  • { "id": 1, "name": "John Doe", "email": "" }
  • gRPC Payload (Protocol Buffers):
  • 10 01 1A 08 4A 6F 68 6E 20 44 6F 65 12 1D 6A 6F 68 6E 2E 64 6F 65 40 65 78 61 6D 70 6C 65 2E 63 6F 6D

The gRPC payload is considerably smaller in size, leading to reduced data transfer times and improved performance, especially in environments where bandwidth is limited.

Performance: Latency and Throughput

Latency and throughput are vital metrics to assess in any communication protocol. gRPC, utilizing the HTTP/2 protocol, supports multiplexed streams, meaning multiple requests and responses can be sent simultaneously over a single connection. This results in significantly reduced latency compared to the traditional HTTP/1.1 model, which only allows one request-response cycle to occur at a time per connection, relying on the opening of multiple connections to achieve concurrency.

Performance Test Example:

Load testing can illustrate the difference in latency. Suppose:

  • You make a series of 10 API calls to retrieve user data.
  • An HTTP/1.1 client may experience an average latency of 200ms per request due to its sequential nature.
  • In contrast, a gRPC client can achieve the same with an average latency of just 50ms if multiplexing is appropriately utilized.

This stark difference makes gRPC a more efficient choice as the volume of requests increases.

Bi-Directional Streaming

Mechanisms in gRPC and HTTP

Another noteworthy feature of gRPC is its ability to support bi-directional streaming. This means clients and servers can send and receive messages independently in a single connection. Events, updates, or notifications can thus be handled in real-time.

Example Use Case:

Suppose you have a chat application. In a gRPC architecture, both the server and client can continuously send and receive messages:

service ChatService {
rpc StreamMessages(stream ChatMessage) returns (stream ChatMessage);

With HTTP, real-time communication would typically involve long polling or WebSockets, which are less efficient by comparison due to overheads associated with establishing and maintaining multiple connections.

Scalability in Real-Time Applications

The gRPC’s bi-directional streaming is particularly advantageous for applications requiring constant communication, such as stock trading apps or real-time gaming platforms, where performance and low latency are critical.

API Design and Maintenance

Defining Contracts with Protobuf

While HTTP can use various data formats (XML, JSON, etc.), gRPC mandates the use of Protocol Buffers for defining the interface and method signatures. This introduces strict contracts, making it easier to enforce and maintain schema compatibility during changes.

Example of API Contract:

message UserRequest {
int32 id = 1;

message UserResponse {
string name = 1;
string email = 2;

When using this approach, compatibility checks (backward and forward) can be automated, reducing the common pitfalls in API maintenance that are often experienced with RESTful HTTP services.

Versioning with Ease

APIs built on gRPC can evolve without breaking existing clients, as Protobuf supports optional fields. This facilitates seamless versioning, allowing new features to be added progressively while still supporting legacy systems.

Security Considerations

Built-in Security Features in gRPC

gRPC inherently supports TLS (Transport Layer Security) for securing the data channel, which is a requirement if you’re using the service in a production environment. HTTP/2 also supports TLS; however, gRPC goes a step further by integrating security policies within the service definitions throughout the communication.

Security Example:

When establishing a secure gRPC connection, you will typically set up channel security configurations directly in the gRPC API:

import grpc

with grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50051') as channel:
stub = UserServiceStub(channel)
response = stub.GetUser(UserRequest(id=1))

While the above connection is insecure for demonstration, configuring it with a secure channel is straightforward, ensuring that all transmitted data is encrypted.

Security in HTTP

HTTP, on the other hand, does not inherently enforce security and often relies on the developer to implement security measures, which could lead to vulnerabilities in poorly maintained systems.


By examining efficiency metrics, serialization methods, performance in terms of latency, scalability in real-time applications, API design, maintenance, and security features, it becomes clear that gRPC presents substantial advantages over traditional HTTP communication for specific use cases. However, the choice between using gRPC and HTTP will ultimately rely on the specific requirements of the application, including architecture, scale, and use-case scenarios. In scenarios demanding high performance, low latency, and efficient communication, gRPC stands out as the preferred protocol.

Let’s talk about something that we all face during development: API Testing with Postman for your Development Team.

Yeah, I’ve heard of it as well, Postman is getting worse year by year, but, you are working as a team and you need some collaboration tools for your development process, right? So you paid Postman Enterprise for…. $49/month.

Now I am telling you: You Don’t Have to:

That’s right, APIDog gives you all the features that comes with Postman paid version, at a fraction of the cost. Migration has been so easily that you only need to click a few buttons, and APIDog will do everything for you.

APIDog has a comprehensive, easy to use GUI that makes you spend no time to get started working (If you have migrated from Postman). It’s elegant, collaborate, easy to use, with Dark Mode too!

Want a Good Alternative to Postman? APIDog is definitely worth a shot. But if you are the Tech Lead of a Dev Team that really want to dump Postman for something Better, and Cheaper, Check out APIDog!

