Harnessing the Power of Visibility: Making Positive Habits Stick

Ananya Agrawal
3 min readNov 8, 2023


Have you ever found yourself tempted by the power of visibility? I recently experienced this when I stumbled upon some fruit videos while scrolling through YT shorts.

It all began with a video featuring a person living on a remote island, showcasing an array of fresh and raw fruits.

The fruits lookedso fresh, unadulterated, and throwing a natural charm. As he sliced one open and took a succulent bite, I could almost taste the freshness and juiciness myself.

This visual feast of fruits set a spark in my mind. Suddenly, I found myself craving these delicious, natural snacks. I wanted to reach for the nearest fruit and enjoy the same freshness.

But then, reality struck – I wasn’t really hungry. It was just the power of suggestion, courtesy of those tempting videos.

In that moment, I made a conscious decision to control my cravings. I closed my mind to the allure of snacking when I wasn’t genuinely hungry. However, this experience led me to a simple but profound realization: visibility plays a pivotal role in shaping our habits.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind” – The Power of Visibility

We’ve all heard the age-old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind.” This principle is a powerful tool when it comes to cultivating positive habits and clearing ones we wish to avoid. The concept is straightforward: if you want to develop a habit, make it visible; conversely, if you aim to break a habit, keep it out of sight.

Visual Cues for Success

Think about it: if you want to eat more fruits, having a bowl of fresh, ripe fruits prominently displayed on your kitchen counter can serve as a visual cue. The sight of those fruits each time you enter the kitchen can be a gentle reminder of your health goals, making it more likely that you’ll choose them as a snack.

Similarly, if you aspire to read more books, placing your current read on your bedside table or your study desk keeps it in your line of sight. When you see the book daily, you’re more inclined to pick it up and read a few pages, gradually transforming it into a habit.

Concealing Temptations

On the flip side, if you’re determined to cut down on mindless snacking or reduce your screen time, keep the snacks hidden or don’t buy them at all.

In the digital age, smartphones are constant distractions. If you wish to focus on a task, distance your phone from your sight and open your laptop to work without the temptation of app notifications.

The key is to make your desired habits easily accessible and your detrimental habits harder to reach.

It’s a subtle but effective shift that empowers you to take control of your choices.

“Small changes can make a big difference.”

Conclusion: The Visible Path to Habit Formation

In a world filled with distractions and temptations, making the right choices isn’t always easy. However, by harnessing the power of visibility, we can steer our habits in the direction we desire.

The next time you find yourself swayed by enticing visuals or struggling to stay on track with your goals, remember the magic of making your intentions visible.

It’s a small change that can lead to a big difference in your habits and, ultimately, your life.

Keep learning

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