The Phrase “Follow your Heart”

2 min readAug 9, 2020


Most of us have come across the saying “Follow your Heart” almost once in our life but, I wonder how many of us put it into work. Only a few. However, the main question is not how many of us practice or not but, what is it that holds us back from listening to ourselves.

I’m a teen who fantasizes about being a travel journalist. To be honest, I’ve never had what can be called ‘a decent travel’ of anywhere in this world and, this is the sole reason I want to devote my life to this. Moreover, I dare to listen to my heart even knowing that I’m lacking at the moment. Being uncertain of where my dreams and choices will take me, I continue to listen to my heart.

People who have ventured to take the vulnerability of doing so, understand how challenging and tough it is at times. Sometimes you can’t help but feel too low. helpless or think that every choice you ever made was wrong and is going to bother you for the rest of your life.

I go through these emotions often. Having very fewer people supporting me, it becomes tough at times. Yet, I always try to come back better. I give my best to stand up once again; no matter how strong the storm seems to be, or how lonely and unmotivated I feel.

We all know what it takes to dare, to understand your inner voice when no one around you believes in you. Such things hit me hard and harder. And I won’t lie, such situations were successful in drifting me apart from the inner voice, the moment I stopped trusting my heart. It was like sailing without any breeze. I was stable, not growing.

Still, even this is the reality that I succeeded in coming back, getting up once again. I still don’t know where I will end up in the next 10–15 years of this journey but this is certain that I won’t stop believing my inner self. And as I do so, I want everyone to follow their hearts. Do not let any other person decide your destiny. Listen to yourself. Give voice to yourself as when you are going to believe it, then the others will follow maybe not now but one day for sure. We might not be sure about the results, but we can try to give our best shot!

“ Make mistakes, take chances, be silly, be imperfect, trust yourself, and follow your heart.”




I’ll bring you the most exotic sites on this planet and perhaps leave you yearning to travel and explore!