Self-Love, Self-First

Ananya Iyer
2 min readJul 13, 2023


‘’Our first and last love is self-love.’’

Have you ever gone out to treat yourself to something you like? It can be an entire day where you solo travel, attend a potter class have some food at a restraint ALL BY YOURSELF.

We have all seen the word self-love being prominently used these days.

Self-love is loving yourself and prioritising yourself and your happiness, as simple as it sounds. But do we do it?

There are several ways to practice self-love.

Prioritising yourselves

Cutting out toxic people and setting boundaries is one thing that one must practice while surrounding themselves with the people one loves and genuinely cares for.

Building Confidence and motivating yourselves

Take a stand for yourself and give yourself a pep talk occasionally. Do not compare yourselves with others and belittle yourselves. If you are confident about yourself, no one can show you down.


What we have does not necessarily mean that others also, so we should express gratitude for the privileges that we are given.


Planning your day, writing about things, your thoughts, and how you felt the entire day will allow you to think and understand yourself.

Focusing on your hobbies

You can take time to discover your hobbies or get back to the ones you once used to have but got mixed up with your busy lives.

Acceptance and awareness

Accepting yourself for who you are. It means getting your emotions, heart, body, dark-coloured knees, and even the not-so-white or aligned teeth which no one sees because of your pretty smile. It steals the spotlight.

We are all humans, and we make mistakes, But we need to make sure we can correct them as much as possible and move on. Sometimes things are not always on our side. We must accept this, let things go and allow ourselves to be happy.

You should not overthink and stop procrastinating. It will not come about immediately, but as they say, try, and you will succeed. Walking in the park while observing people around you or listening to soothing music is a form of self-love.

Self-love does not see age. Our generation has talked about self-love quite openly; however, people 40 and above, especially those with kids and family, tend to make their entire life evolve around their family. Family is a part of life but not their whole life. The only thing we cannot live without is oxygen. I hope everyone takes at least 5 to 10 minutes to embrace and love themselves.

Be kind to yourselves.

