Preparing for the New Normal: Healthcare Cybersecurity Trends 2021

SolvEdge Inc
3 min readJan 13, 2021


According to the global healthcare predictions for the New Normal, the healthcare ecosystem will face increasing security challenges in terms of COVID-19 medicines, while data breaches are most likely to occur.

2020 has been a challenging year for the entire world, with significant additional responsibilities for the healthcare industry and the frontline executives. Apart from tremendous pressure to deliver supportive care for COVID-19 affected patients and develop the COVID-19 vaccine on a Public health emergency basis, the healthcare system has also faced major challenges from cyberattacks and privacy breaches that have been posing a threat for not just data but the patients’ health and lives as well.

Unfortunately, global healthcare leaders predict that these cybersecurity threats will remain and proliferate through 2021 and it’s therefore critical that the healthcare ecosystem is prepared for what’s coming in the COVID-19 era-in terms of data privacy and security. Here are the top Cybersecurity trends in 2021.

  1. Among the major threats are the attacks on the COVID-19 vaccine and the drug developers-to swindle their sensitive and confidential data related to the drug. The healthcare ecosystem is fighting the pandemic and the targeted attacks at the pharmaceutical companies developing vaccinations and therapeutic drugs for COVID-19
  2. In nations with advanced public healthcare policies, the private sectors that are mostly the SMBs are most likely to experience security threats-owing to their challenges with maintaining the expensive patient data infrastructure, which might be compromised especially during these times of economic crisis.
  3. Data breaches and threats will be used as a bargaining chip. This may lead to severe issues and disputes-targeted at the advanced drugs and vaccinations being developed for the Coronavirus.
  4. 2021 will also witness an array of incidents relating to cloud-enabled patient data leaks. While creating tremendous opportunities to create and manage large volumes of data, the cloud transition might also pose security risks, when not maintained in a strictly secure environment. Healthcare organizations must also focus on innovating new strategies and solutions to accelerate their cloud infrastructure’s safety.
  5. COVID-19 vaccine and drugs would remain a target this year for cyber attackers, and it is critical that healthcare leaders are making data security a priority in 2021. Organizations need to place immense focus on medical records and reimagine their cybersecurity strategies-based on leaked medical record incidents in the past
  6. Healthcare organizations have shifted to digital, giving hope during these volatile and challenging ties. The global health emergency has also opened new doors for the healthcare landscape to place an immense focus on infrastructure security.

Read More:

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To learn more about preparing for the New Normal in the COVID-19 era,
talk to our team.

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